3. I'm Sorry by Joyner Lucas | The Odyssey Online
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20 Relatable Songs You Need To Listen To Right Now

These songs will have you crying yourself to sleep for no reason.

crowd enjoys relatable songs at concert
Photo by Yvette de Wit on Unsplash

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Out of all the playlists and songs I have had over the years, these songs are either relate-able to everyone's life or have been at some point. While they're sad, they're all beautifully composed and sang and deserve appreciation whether they're relate-able to your life currently or not.

To listen to the whole playlist, check it out here.

1. Unwind by Healy

I’ve been working all week / No lie / Can't sleep and I don’t why

2. What You Do by James Gillespie

No work, no worries here / Everything's for free / When the world turns upside down / You should blame it on me

3. I'm Sorry by Joyner Lucas

Joyner Lucas performsfarm5.staticflickr.com

How could you? / Maybe it's my fault / I should have paid more attention to what you been doing / Maybe I should have been more of an influence [This video may be inappropriate for some users.]

4. Transpose by Bad Suns

Sleepless nights aren't new to me / All these thoughts are killing me / Someone come and put me to ease / All of my anxiety, there's no cause that I can see

5. The Other by Lauv

We fell from the peak / And the stars, they broke their code / I'm trying to forget / How I landed on this road / I'm caught in between

6. High Highs to Low Lows by Lolo Zouai

I'm not okay these days / Dreams come and go / I stay

7. Footprints by Molly Kate Kestner

You can take the road less travelled / Yeah, I'd probably do that too / But if you're lost and feeling broken / Through and through / You can follow the footprints I left for you

8. Breathe Me by Sia

Ouch, I have lost myself again / Lost myself and I am nowhere to be found / Yeah I think that I might break

9. Youth by Daughter

And if you're still breathing, you're the lucky ones / 'Cause most of us are heaving through corrupted lungs / Setting fire to our insides for fun

10. Figures by Jessie Reyez

I wish I could hurt you back / Love, what would you do if you couldn't get me back / You're the one who's gonna lose / Something so special, something so real

11. Unknown (To You) by Jacob Banks

Tell me that it's over / Tell me that you mean it / This time is true / Tell me that I'm unknown / To you

12. Bloodstream by The Chainsmokers

I gave up three times this week / Went through those feelings / Like I wasn't worth nothing

13. Liability by Lorde

They say, "You're a little much for me / You're a liability/You're a little much for me"

14. Bruises by Lewis Capaldi

I've been holding on to hope that you'll come back when you can find some peace / Cause every word that I've heard spoken since you left feels like a hollow street

15. Sorry by Aquilo

I left the light on so you could see me in the dark / But then it blinded us and left us who we are

16. Two Ghosts by Harry Styles

We're not who we used to be / We're just two ghosts standing in the place of you and me / Trying to remember how it feels to have a heartbeat

17. Heal by Tom Odell

Take my mind / And take my pain / Like an empty bottle takes the rain

18. The Burden by Weeping Willows

Jealousy is such a heavy burden / Sneaks into my soul and never sleeps

19. 9 Crimes by Damien Rice

Leave me out with the waste / This is not what I do / It's the wrong kind of place / to be thinking of you

20. Falling by The Civil Wars

Please tell me you know / I've got to let you go / I can't help falling out of love with you.

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