Reasons to Watch Buffy the Vampire Slayer
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Reasons to Watch Buffy the Vampire Slayer

Watching Buffy and her gang kick major ass is one of the best decisions you can make.

Reasons to Watch Buffy the Vampire Slayer

At this point, we all know I am all about girl power. That's probably why I love "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" so much. I'm a firm believer that Buffy is one of the best shows out there and that everyone should give it a try. With winter break right around the corner, you have plenty of time to start a new show and get through a few season before school starts up again. There are seven seasons of this beautiful show and all of them are on Netflix! If that isn't enough incentive to check Buffy and the rest of the "Scooby gang" out, then here are some more. I promise to stay aways from spoilers, so enjoy!

1.) Strong Female Lead

Buffy Summers is one tough girl. She has to be. She's the chosen one. Honestly, how cool is it that the one person in all the world chosen to chase out the darkness is a woman? Usually, if there are monsters and women in the same scene, the monsters are chasing the women. But not with Buffy! She tracks them down and kicks their evil asses all while looking great and making badass quick remarks. Plus, she is never the damsel in distress. Even when she needs help she can handle her own but graciously accepts help from her friends. Even in the one episode where her strength is gone, she still manages to defeat the vamp placed in front of her.

2.) Amazing Character Development

Spike arguably has the best character development throughout the whole series. He's a ruthless vampire who is on a personal mission to kill Buffy but things change throughout the series and he becomes part of the gang. If you watch the show for one reason, it could be this one. His development and transformation was amazing to watch especially since he never lost his sarcastic humor. I live for the scenes where he tries to run through sunlight with his $2,000 coat over his head. Plus, he's the original vampire heartthrob.

3.) Accurate Lesbian Portrayal

The show paved the way by becoming the first show to develop an accurate, gradual, and long term lesbian relationship between two major characters. It was a beautiful romance that actually, shock, showed kissing (a very new thing for tv and movies at the time). There were no gimmicks and it wasn't about the sex. It was about the love.

4.) Deaths were unexpected

and heartbreaking. Honestly, who would have expected that one of the most accurate and powerful depictions of grief and death would come from Buffy? Obviously, I won't tell you who, but the episode focused on the aftermath of the sudden death of a very much loved character and everyone feels it and experiences it differently. And it happened more than once. However, it didn't happen all the time, so when it did the characters and viewers were rocked to their core.

5.) The dialogue and the episode without it

The dialogue in "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" could arguably be one of the best aspects of the show. Knowing this, writer and director Joss Whedon created an episode almost completely void of dialogue. It was actually the only episode in the whole series that was nominated for an Emmy. The episode digs deep into our fears with "The Gentlemen" who come into town and steal everyone's voices so that they aren't able to scream when they cut out their hearts-- creepy right?

6.) It's terrifying and funny

It's hard to do this effectively, but Whedon did it. Vampires and "The Gentlemen" aren't the only demons Buffy and the gang faces. Living in Sunnydale, aka the Hellmouth, is a difficult task. The town is a portal between their reality and the next one. Basically, its a main point of mystical energy so there are always new demons coming out and trying to start an apocalypse. The show never disappoints with monsters, but even in the scariest times, there is still humor. The one liners in this show are great and even though Xander is comic relief, he is more than that, he is the heart of the gang. Season seven is a tough one and Andrew brings some much needed humor to the screen as the gangs hostage. I won't explain more but he is pretty great.

7.) It teaches very valuable lessons

Buffy is packed with lessons and quotes to live by. It showed that life can be dark and that the struggle is real.

Buffy showed us how to protect ourselves and other not just physically but mentally as well.

It taught us that loss is a part of life

and that love is blind.

8.) It is smart

"Buffy the Vampire Slayer" skillfully utilizes metaphor, symbolism, and subtext. It is rich in themes that are throughout each episode and season. There is sophistication in the dialogue and the visuals and always delivers consequences. It takes characters to where they should organically go depending on their prior actions. The pop culture references are sprinkled in with literary references that push the scene, episode, season, and series forward.

Buffy and her gang go straight to your heart with their badassery. The characters are strong and the lessons it teaches us are relevant and useful. Try checking the show out this winter break to reward yourself for finishing the semester in one piece!

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