Reasons Fall Is Better Than The Summer
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I'm Ready For Fall, And Yes, I Know It Is The Middle Of July

I love me some pumpkin spice lattes, sweaters, and horror movies.

I'm Ready For Fall, And Yes, I Know It Is The Middle Of July

Disclaimer: I love summer more than anything. If someone asked me what my favorite season was, I would, without hesitation, tell them summer. I love the beach and the ocean air, outdoor concerts, how it gets dark at 9 o'clock, and just the overall summer vibezzzz, my dude.

But, I can't deny that fall is an extremely close second favorite season for me. So, summer, I love you, you know that, but my heart also lies with autumn and it's for good reason — which I'm about to relay to you now:

As I'm writing this, it is currently Tuesday, July 17. The middle of summer. The heat is kicking in, I've been to the beach multiple times and gotten sunburnt (it wouldn't be summer if my pale skin didn't suffer, would it?), and the AC in my living room is on its last limb trying to cool down my room on the other side of the house (yes, I don't have air conditioning in my room and am depending on a box fan, but I'm grateful.)

In times like these, it is not uncommon for me to daydream about my second favorite season, fall (or autumn, whichever you prefer.) I've considered myself a summer girl for most of my life--but as the years have gone by--I find more and more reasons to love fall.

Maybe it's because I'm a basic white girl who loves pumpkin spice lattes (PSL) from Dunkin' Donuts, or because I love wearing big comfy sweaters or cardigans to cover up my insecurities, or I like the cliche jumpscares in horror movies. Whatever the reason may be, you can't deny that fall is simply just GREAT.

So here are some reasons why I miss fall and am counting down the days until its solstice in September on this fine, summer day:

Pumpkin-Flavored Everything.

As I stated previously, I'm a "basic white girl" I suppose because I love everything and anything pumpkin-flavored. This includes coffee, donuts, ice cream, etc. Anything you can supplement a pumpkin flavor to, sign me up. In my humble opinion, it's bound to taste good if it has pumpkin in it. These glorious beverages or snacks are only available in the months of September to November, so I greatly miss them in the summertime. However, if you're lucky, your local Dunkin' Donuts or Starbucks will start using their pumpkin flavoring at the end of August and even might keep it later than anticipated. I was delighted last year to be able to order my pumpkin-flavored drink as early as August and as late as January.

Two Words: Halloween Socks.

I'm a sl*t for Halloween socks. They start selling these babies at AC Moore for like two dollars starting in August for losers like me. They release new patterns every year, so my collection is slowly maximizing because I can't help myself from buying five pairs when I spot them on that spinny rack in the middle of the store.

Everybody likes to hype up Christmas socks, which I also adore and love, but Halloween socks are pretty sick as well. So, hit up your local AC Moore for this amazing deal year after year.

Creating the Perfect Halloween Costume.

Last year, I didn't get to do anything fun for Halloweekend, so I never even got to dress up and show off a costume and take cute pictures. So, I've had ample time to prepare my costume for this year's Halloween because I am NOT letting Halloweekend or Halloween flop this year. Seriously, nothing is better than thinking up a good costume, and then getting to STUNT in that outfit. I take Halloween costumes more seriously now than I did when I was younger, anyone care to explain this phenomenon?

The Outfits.

My whole life I've been telling myself I wanted to lose weight. I've had points where I was successful and points where I was not. I begin to notice that I'm not successful around this time of the year — in the middle of summer when I'm forced to wear shorts and T-shirts almost every day and have to deal with the pain of my thighs rubbing together or sticking to seats. It's not fun, and in those moments I wish for nothing more to be wearing leggings or jeans. I could easily wear them in summer, but it's hot out, man.

I work at a thrift store, and a big reason of why I applied there is so I could get their flannels on discount. I love flannels more than anything. They're comfy, they're roomy, they're warm. Everything I could ever want from an article of clothing. I also love big, comfy sweaters, combat boots, scarves, basically anything pertaining to the fall outfit aesthetic. I especially love fall colors — orange, yellow, black, green, purple — OK, so I guess fall colors are the entire rainbow except blue, cool.

Hockey Season (And Postseason Baseball.)

You were probably expecting me to say football season, but nope. I love hockey. My favorite team is the Philadelphia Flyers even though they've let me down time and time again. When hockey season ends in June, I countdown the days until the season opener. Luckily, I have my TRUE love of baseball to tide me over until October and the season begins.

Horror Movies.


Who doesn't love a good horror movie, right? I've been raised on horror movies, including the classics like "Halloween" and "The Shining," and the new installments such as "The Conjuring" or "Insidious." Although I have felt scarred after watching some of these films, and have to have my TV on at night because I get scared in the dark, I love them all the same.

The Plans.

When I say "the plans," I mean everything you're gonna wanna do during the months of September and October, but never get to do because, ya know, life. If you're lucky, you'll get to do all the fun fall essentials such as pumpkin picking, apple picking, going on a hayride, walking through a haunted house or corn maze, attending a bonfire, going trick-or-treating, going to a market, have a horror movie marathon, etc. I always plan out my fall in my head and try to tell myself that I WILL do all of these things, but it just never seems to work out. Maybe Fall 2018 will be the year to change that!

The Weather.

You knew this one was coming. I wouldn't say this is my number one reason, because truly, the heat doesn't bother me as much as some. But since I love fall outfits, I appreciate the cool fall weather and it's brisk, breezes and slight chill in the air. But even more than that, I appreciate the colors that fall produces. It's a shame that the leaves only stay orange, yellow, and red for such a short period of time. It's a beautiful sight. Seeing the trees in bloom with either greens or reds, yellows, and oranges is something I always miss in Winter when the trees are bare. It gives the trees life, and I miss that once Winter rolls around.

Halloween Decorations.

All my life I have dreamed of having a house that goes all out on decorating for Halloween year after year. I love Halloween decorations — from the skeletons to the jack-o-lanterns to the fake tombstones, I love it all (except fake spiders, no thank you.)

It's the Perfect Pre-Game for Thanksgiving.

Stuffing your face with candy on October 31 is the perfect pre-game for Thanksgiving, where you stuff your face with more food. Thanksgiving also serves as the ideal pre-game for the ultimate holiday, CHRISTMAS!

I hope these ten reasons were convincing enough for you to download an app and create a countdown to Fall, because I totally don't have that on my phone or anything. Have a great rest of the summer, everyone!

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