What To Do When You're Not In The Best Mood
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Read This If You’re In A Bad Place

Remind yourself: You are not alone

Read This If You’re In A Bad Place

At times, we find ourselves trapped in ditches that are hard to climb out of. We struggle with weight on our shoulders, far too heavy for us to hold. Where does one find release from this torment?

Remind yourself that this is a minuscule moment in comparison to your extensive life. Remind yourself that there is far too much good in the world to dwell so long in the bad.

Feel free to take in your sadness, let it linger, but do not let it overstay its welcome. And at times when you struggle to think of anything else but your misery, come back to this article

Here is everything you should do or think about instead of dwelling on your sadness.

The sun rises without fail, and so should you


Whatever negativity the day may bring to you, it always comes to an end. And when you feel as though you've been stuck in this perpetual darkness, remember that the sun rises time and time again, without failure.

Happiness would not be nearly as gracious if sadness did not exist


If we were always happy, would achieving happiness really mean anything anymore? Think back to the time when you struggled to complete a goal. Would the goal truly be rewarding, if you didn't suffer along the way? The same goes for achieving happiness: the feeling would not be nearly as fruitful without the difficulty.

There was a point in time where you were happier. Think back to that time & brainstorm how you can return to it


Recall back to that time when you and your friend created the best of memories; Call said friend and create some more. Happiness is only made when YOU take action to cultivate it.

Even if it doesn't feel like at times, there is always at least one person in the world that cares about you


Even if that person is a stranger or not. There are hundreds of thousands of people out there who wish to lend a helping hand to those who often forget. Know the value of your life, the worth of yourself.

Fall back on your favorite hobbies -- let them do their magic for you


A hobby wouldn't be a hobby if it didn't bring you some sort of joy or comfort. Remember why it is you do what you love. If you don't have a hobby just yet, feel free to experiment and find what it is you love to do.

Understand that you are human, and humans fluctuate emotions


What you may appear on social media or in public may not always reflect how you appear on the inside. Life is life: it's not a storybook or fairy tale where everything is fair. Understand the variation of your emotions, and how you can work to slip out of your sadness just as easily as you may slip in.

There is so much beauty in the world. It's only a matter of traveling out to see it


Now that doesn't necessarily mean you need to book a flight & go ((also, that is perfectly viable if you wish to do so)). Even if its a matter of heading out to the state next over, or even the town. See a different environment for a change & find new ways to produce your joy.

Step out of your comfort zone & find yourself elsewhere


Take those tiny steps towards the bigger picture. Maybe all you really need is a bit of a refresher, a new lifestyle to entertain you. Don't be afraid to try new things & be sure to do lots of testing out.

Take risks & involve yourself with new people, new energy


Finding a new group of friends can be beneficial for those who feel as though their friends are lacking in showing support. Surrounding yourself in positivity will unsure positivity being transferred into you.

Turn on that TV or movie of yours that makes you laugh until you cry


Everybody needs a good laugh from time to time, and what better time to do so than when you need it the most. Laugh as though nobody is around.

Your pets love you


You love your pets tremendously, but don't forget that the feeling is mutual. Spend a little extra time today with that special loved one, and enjoy their company as long as you need.

Be one with nature


Become one with Mother Nature, and truly take in your surroundings and the world around you. Remember that this planet is your home, and when you take the time to take care of it, it will reward you tenfold.

De-stress by pampering & taking care of yourself


You only get one body in life -- take care of it. By going the extra mile on yourself, not only will you feel refreshed and rejuvenated, but the same feelings with transfer over into your mood as well.

Shift your attention from the past into the future


No point in dwelling in the place you cannot change. Rather, focus your attention on the future, something you can change & manipulate. Steady planning now will ultimately lead you in the right direction.

Organize your life & promote productivity


A clear mind is a happy mind. If you find yourself struggling to cope with everything you have to do in life, write it down! We often stress ourselves far too much simply trying to remember tasks. A great way to relieve that pressure is to delve into journaling, calendar creating, etc.

Talk to yourself


If all else fails, instead of taking advice from others, try taking advice from yourself. We often give the best advice but never seem to take it for ourselves. Look yourself in the mirror, let yourself be aware of your circumstances, and understand that in the end, everything works itself out with time.

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