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21 Random Thoughts You Have When You Notice A Random Mark On Your Body

What the heck...?


Hey, you! Yeah, you. I will change the subject at risk of sounds like a cheesy infomercial. Have you ever been hanging out anywhere and realize that your body has magically developed a scratch, bruise, or mark? This random appearance is typically in the most unusual place. How does one feel and what does one think when they first notice these temporary imprints?

Well, I'll tell you…

1. How did my body create that?

2. Wow, I didn't know my body can turn that color.

3. I wonder how I got this mark?

4. Was it from the kid I babysit?

5. Was it stepping the wrong way on the sidewalk the other day?

6. I didn't know my body was capable of having such a big black and blue mark.

7. I haven't felt any pain in this area, so I have no idea how I got this.

8. Did someone attack me without me realizing for me to get such a big scratch?

9. I wonder if my scratch ever bled without me knowing or it always looked this way?

10. Will it scar?

11. I wonder when it will disappear?

12. I wonder when the scratch will vanish?

13. Will this skin cream help get rid of it?

14. Should I go to the doctor?

15. How is my skin so sensitive?

16. How is my body so prone to injury?

17. Will anyone else ask me about how I got this mark?

18. Should I think of some bad ass story to tell them about how I got it...?

19. ... or will they know that I'm totally lying about that epic story?

20. Does it look gross?

21. Can my makeup cover this up?

If you're an active human, or even if you aren't, you're bound to suddenly observe some unusual speck on your body. You may wonder how long the scratch or scar has been there without you realizing. Will this become a symbol with a story behind it, or will it quickly go away? Regardless, this happens to everyone at some point or another. Life has many mysteries, and miscellaneous scratches and/or bruises are some of them!

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