5. "Knowledge, like air, is vital to life. Like air, no one should be denied it." - "V for Vendetta" | The Odyssey Online
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11 Quotes That Bring Me Hope And Joy In An Uncertain World

A list of quotes that I love and take to heart.

A photo of the quote by Mary Oliver stating "Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?

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Words hold a lot of power. They can bring you joy and make you laugh. They can also make you cry and make you sad. It's remarkable how song lyrics, movie quotes, and book quotes can stir up memories by just a simple utter or reading of a phrase. Instantly mundane or important moments can flash before your eyes. Words can also be the perfect motivator to get you through the day or even through life. It's amazing how authors can perfectly write and summarize the complexities of life in just a few simple words. They are able to perfectly x-ray what humans struggle with every day and capture how they feel. Which is why I wanted to list my favorite lyrics and quotes. These are quotes that have resonated with me and have impacted the way I think and feel. They are also quotes that are just fun, bring joy, and give me hope. Hopefully these quotes can either put a smile on your face or positively impact you in one way or another.

1. “Don’t be afraid of death; be afraid of an unlived life." - "Tuck Everlasting"

This quote has been a huge influence in my life after hearing it in the movie for the first time. I think that many people can relate to sometimes taking life for granted. It's important to be reminded that death isn't something to be scared of but instead remember that life is something to always live to the fullest.

2. "Taking your own life. Interesting expression, taking it from who? Once it's over, it's not you who'll miss it. Your own death is something that happens to everyone else. Your life is not your own, keep your hands off it." - "Sherlock"

This quote is one of my favorites from my favorite show of all time - Sherlock. I love this quote because I think it's something that people often forget. People don't realize that their life impacts many other lives. It's important to remember that if you are struggling, there are people who are influenced by you and love having you as a part of their lives.

3. "The price of freedom is high…and it’s a price I’m willing to pay. If I’m the only one, so be it. But I bet I’m not.” - "Captain America: The Winter Soldier"

Captain America is my favorite avenger even though I will admit I didn't exactly agree with his ending. One of the reasons I love Captain America is because of what he represents. He represents the true values of what America was founded on. I think we forget that freedom isn't free. People have fought, sacrificed, and died for people to experience freedom. There are different kinds of freedom like internal, external, and political, but any type of freedom isn't handed to you. You have to be willing to fight for it and not just sit on the sidelines.

4. "Even strength must bow to wisdom sometimes.” - "Percy Jackson and The Lightning Thief"

"Percy Jackson" is one of my favorite book series of all time, and this quote has always been my favorite. It is a modern version of the quote brains over brawn. The book and the character, Annabeth, are perfect examples of how knowledge is priceless and that even the strongest person needs to have some sort of wits to survive.

5. "Knowledge, like air, is vital to life. Like air, no one should be denied it." - "V for Vendetta"

Knowledge is one of the most powerful things in the world. It is what the world revolves around because, without it, we wouldn't be able to survive. Our thoughts are centered around the knowledge we gather over time, and we are able to make decisions because of it. Which is why it's important that people are educated and that knowledge should never be censored.

6. “A man who doesn’t spend time with his family can never be a real man.” - "The Godfather"

I think that this is a very interesting quote because it says that part of masculinity is how a man is with his family. It takes away that stereotype that a man/father isn't very involved in his family's life but instead replaces it with the notion that a true man is someone who understands the importance of family and shows it.

7. "Family don't end in blood, but it doesn't start there either. Family cares about you, not what you can do for them. Family's there for the good, bad, all of it. They got your back even when it hurts. That's family. " - "Supernatural"

I love this quote because it perfectly explains how family isn't just based on blood and DNA. Family is a term that should be used to describe those that play an active and important role in your life. Not just used to describe whose part of your lineage.

8. "When you realize you want to spend the rest of your life with somebody, you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible." - "When Harry Met Sally"

I'm not a huge rom-com fan, but "When Harry Met Sally" is one of the few that I love. One of the reasons I love it is because of this quote. I love the idea of realizing the person you want to be with and not wanting to waste any second more on not being with them. This quote gives me hope that one day I will meet the person who I won't want to waste a second living without.

9. "Love is putting someone else's needs before yours'." - Frozen

I love this quote because it perfectly encompasses what love is. Love is compromising your own needs and wants for the person that you love. It's sometimes placing their happiness before yours' even if it's not something you want. It's sacrifice and selflessness. It's about being vulnerable enough to put your own needs aside even if they are never met.

10.  "When your fantasies become your legacy, promise me a place in your house of memories." - Panic! at the Disco

Panic! at the Disco is one of my favorite bands, and "House of Memories" is one of my favorite songs. I love this lyric because it's this idea that there are people that are a part of your life no matter where they go, and hopefully, you will always have a place in their memories. That even if you were only a tiny portion of their lives, they will always remember you. I hope that the people I meet will save a spot for me in their memories.

11. "I'm haunted by humans." - "The Book Thief"

If you have never read "The Book Thief" you definitely need to add it to your book list. It is one of the greatest books of all time, and this is one of the reasons why. This line is spoken by the narrator, which is death, and it perfectly sums up the meaning of the book. The book is a testament to the perfection of humanity. Humans have their flaws and their complexities, but it's those exact reasons why humanity is wonderful. The human spirit is a remarkable thing because of it's endurance and ability to overcome anything if you set your mind to it.

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