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50 Questions To Ask A Girl If You Want To Know The Real Her

Because there's more to a person than her latest Instagram post.

50 Questions To Ask A Girl If You Want To Know The Real Her

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Looking to spice up the conversation? Are you interested and want to get to know her better? Is it just a friends thing? Lacking something to talk about? Have you liked this girl for a while?

Well finally, she agreed to go out with you. But now, you have a new problem – What to ask a girl?

Look no further than here. These questions should definitely get an interesting conversation going and give you plenty to talk about. But first, it might be best to find out what all you can ask, as some things are better to know at the very beginning of your friendship (or relationship, if you want something more.)

1. What cliché do you hate hearing the most?

outside box

2. What do you wish you cared less about?

is it a person? Place? Moment?

3. If you could go anywhere in the world, where would it be?


Some place outside the US, maybe Europe or Asia?

4. Where do you feel most at home?


5. What childhood event do you think impacted you most as a person?

6. Who is the one person who knows you best?

Is it a best friend? Family member?

7. What did you think you were going to be when you grew up?


Did it change over time? Why?

8. Compliments? Do you accept them easily?


If not? What happened to make you not?

9. What's your favorite attribute about yourself?

It can be physical or non-physical.

10. Is love at first sight a real thing?

Do you believe in it?

11. What subject do you know the most about?


Besides the one you majored in. Is there a specific reason you know a lot in that subject?

12. If money was no object, what would your dream job be?

13. What's the one thing that makes you fall for someone?

14. What was the last thing that made you cry?


15. Favorite memory?

Why is it your favorite?

16. What's your favorite inspirational quote?



17.  Do you believe in karma?

dont hate

18. Would you rather hand write or type?

Personally, it depends on the situation.

19. If they existed, what do you think your past life was?

20. Are you proud of yourself?


21. What the real story behind the last Instagram picture you posted?

Sometimes, us girls post a photo just because, but other times we have a purpose for doing ti.

22. Do you know your love language?

love language

Knowing your love language can help you better communicate with your SO. Discover yours here.

23. Which romantic gesture do you think is overrated or overdone?

lady and the tramp

Is it common?

24. What has changed the most about you since graduating high school?

Or if she's still in high school, what has changed the most since you started high school?

25. What emojis do you use the most?


Is it a silly one?

26. What is the most surprising item on your bucket list?

bucket list

If you got a chance, wold you do it?

27. When was the last time you told someone you loved them?

i love you

Romantically, as a friend, or was it a family member?

28. How many people in your life do you trust with your secrets?

29. What is your favorite time of year?



30. What never fails to make you smile?

31. Do you believe that two people in love can overcome any differences they have?

32. What does intimacy mean to you?

33. What are you most afraid of?


34. What do you think is the best way to solve conflicts?

35.  What kind of personalities are you the most comfortable around?

36. What music do you listen to when you need background noise?

37. What is the most encouraging thing your parents have said to you?

38. Has your favorite color changed since you were a kid?

39. What excuse do you commonly use to get out of plans?


40. What classic book do you absolutely hate?

41. How many friends from your childhood do you still keep in touch with?

Is it all of them or just a select few?

42. Do you think of yourself as strong?


Physically? Emotionally?

43. Have you put any thought into your future wedding?

44. What color pen do you usually prefer to write in?


Blue? Black?

45. Has a pickup line ever worked on you?

Which one was it?

46. If you could redo (or alter) one decision in your life (so far), what would it be?

Why that specific one?

47. When was the last time you gave someone a second (or third) chance?

second chance

48. Would you rather have tons of good friends but not know them very well or have 2-3 best friends and be super close?

49. If you had to pick one place to live for the rest of your life where would it be?

Is it in the States? Abroad?

50. If you could be a famous athlete, model, actress, etc., which would you choose?

Was your choice because of a hobby or extracurricular you are in?

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