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25 Puns To Use As Instagram Captions This Pride Month

Happy Pride Month!

25 Puns To Use As Instagram Captions This Pride Month
Image by gagnonm1993 from Pixabay

In This Article:

This June is the 50th anniversary of the Stonewall Riots that marked the beginning of Pride. This month (and every month), let's wear our flags, celebrate love, bask in pride, and make cringe-worthy puns on social media.

1. I was in the closet so long I almost found Narnia.

2. Narnia was cool, but I prefer life out of the closet.

3. Being gay is my superpower.

4. I can't even think straight.

5. Oy vey I'm gay.

6. PANic! at the Pride Parade

7. Bi bitch.

8. I put the bi in bitch.

9. Full homo.

10. Welcome to 20biteen.

11. Kept trying to figure out who the gay cousin in my family was and then I realized it's me.

12. I tell gay jokes because I am a gay joke.

13. Queerly beloved, we are gathered here today to...

14. Oh deer, I'm queer.

15. My hair is the only straight thing about me.

16. If you ask me about my sexuality, you won't get a straight answer.

17. What a beautiful gay!

18. Let me be perfectly queer.

19. Let's get one thing straight- I'm not.

20. Born this gay.

21. Aced it.

22. Y'all means all.

23. I'm am-ace-ing.

24. Feeling pantastic!

25. Pride not prejudice.

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