Podcasts Are All The Rage, Here Are My Favorites!
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Podcasts Are All The Rage, Here Are My Favorites!

Josh Peck if you see this I love you

Podcasts Are All The Rage, Here Are My Favorites!
Hailey Hastings via Canva

Podcasts account for 90% of what I do in my free time, and I remain unapologetic about it.

Zane + Heath: Unfiltered

Since first becoming a fan of this friend group, it's been clear that what I needed from them was a long-form platform to hear them shoot the shit. ‘Unfiltered’ is that idea come to life. Throughout ‘Unfiltered’, I've only found myself becoming a bigger fan of these four, they are consistently entertaining. If you are looking for a podcast that never gets too deep and doesn't take itself seriously, ‘Unfiltered’ is for you.


I'll admit, It took me a while to jump on the ‘BFFS’ train, but now im here and will not be getting off. The chemistry and genuine care between Dave, Josh, and Bri is something that you can't fake. These people genuinely want to be talking to each other and like sharing those conversations with anyone who chooses to listen. Plus, at the end of the day im a whore for gossip. And BFFS always delivers.

Also, yes i’m in love with Josh Richards, I’m not taking any questions at this time.

Voices For Justice

Im a True Crime girlie through and through, however, the ethics within the community is so far off whack that finding podcasts you can feel good supporting is a chore. That’s why im so glad I found Sarah Turney. Not only is Sarah a genuine advocate for the cases she covers, but she is also a victim's sister, and had firsthand knowledge of how shitty this community can be. Voices for Justice is a good listen.

Male Models

josh peck smile GIF by GrandfatheredGiphy

Let’s face it, if Josh Peck is part of the conversation, im there! There is nothing Josh has ever done that I haven't loved, and that includes the Netflix movie ‘Take The 10.’ ‘Male Models’ is a display of genuine friendship between Josh and Joe, and feels like the most overdue meeting of minds.

Hey Babe!

Sal and Chris in one podcast is entertainment gold. Both of them are such comedic powerhouses, and there is no way to describe what happens on ‘Hey Babe!’ other than saying it's lightning in a bottle. You can tell that Chris and Sal have a genuine friendship, that this isn't two people just pushed together, and they make each other, and the listener, laugh like there's no tomorrow,

Hoot & A Half

Matt King is one of those people that is the most endearing kind of inquisitive. And when you pair him up with Mike or any of their guests you get such an incredible, in-depth conversation with people that you maybe only knew before on a surface level. ‘Hoot and a Half’ has worked as such a beautiful vessel to have conversations with so many internet personalities, and I think maybe this show has done it the best.

Unhinged with Chris Klemens 

Chris Klemens is one of the ‘influencers’ I feel the most connected to. We both are a bit erratic, and always the funniest person in the room, also very humble. So naturally, when I heard Chris was doing ‘Unhinged’ I knew I would be fully on board. Hearing all of the thoughts in his head in a way helps me process my own. I would recommend this listen to anyone.

Crime Junkies

Like I said, I am a Crime Junkie through and through, but im very picky about who in the community I support, Ash and Brit are the real deal. These two put their money where their mouths are, and consistently use their massive platform to make a difference in these cases. Cases have been solved, and families have gotten closure because of the work the Crime Junkie family is always doing. Say whatever you want about copying source material at the beginning, what matters is that they are making a difference, for the better, in this space.

Life is Short - With Justin Long

Like Ive said in every single article he's mentioned in, I worship the ground Justin Long walks on. He is one of my favorite people on the planet and ‘Life Is Short’ is a dream sequence for me. Justin Long is so incredibly inquisitive and so charming that he gets so much out of every guest. I could recommend a million episodes, but the Jonah Hill and Beanie Feldstein episodes are definite highlights for me. As is just listening to banter before and after interviews with Justin's brother Christian.

The Basement Yard

If you want to laugh your ass off for at least a solid hour, The Basement Yard is the podcast for you. Frankie and Joe are the ultimate duo and are lifelong friends, so no chemistry is forced. They are two New Yorkers who have wonderful accents and get quite vulgar, which I love. If im ever in a bad mood, ‘The Basement Yard’ is what I turn on.

Contact Me!

Twitter: @OkayHailey

Instagram: @OkayyHaileyy

Email: Underpnkskiess@gmail.com

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