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5 Places To Visit In Chicago That Can Cure Your Mid-Semester Blues

Although spring break means a week off of school, it also means you still have eight more weeks of school before summer.

5 Places To Visit In Chicago That Can Cure Your Mid-Semester Blues
Emma Schoth

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It's finally spring break! You've worked so hard to get to this point. By now, it feels like you've practically lived through two semesters in the two months that you've been back. Spring break is great and all, but it is also a time that I like to call the mid-semester blues. You were on the grind nonstop just to realize that you're only halfway, and you have no money to take a real vacation for spring break. How are you supposed to finish out the year without a week filled with palm trees and the ocean? My friends and I were in this place, and this trip was just what we needed to feel refreshed and ready to take on the rest of the semester without hurting our wallets too much.

Here are some really awesome places you can visit in Chicago to kick those midsemester blues on a budget.


Lush has the cure for all of those mid-semester blues! And, the workers can offer it to you in a bath bomb, bubble bar, face mask, and anything else you can imagine all in your favorite scent and favorite color in biodegradable glitter. What more could you want? Walking into Lush is just good for the soul.


A trip to Chicago is not complete without a detour to Giordano's. I mean, come on! Have you seen a cheese-pull that compares? It's like a little slice of happiness on a six-inch tall stand. At Giordano's, the calories don't count.

Riley Rose

If you've never been to Riley Rose, you need to go right now. It is Forever 21's makeup store, and it is amazing! Think everything you love about Forever 21 meets Ulta. It's just as magical as it sounds. Everything is reasonably priced and ridiculously cute, so you will definitely find yourself leaving with a bag full of anything from skincare to dorm room decor. It's a must if you're in the area.

The Grand Lux Cafe

The Grand Lux Cafe is the perfect place to go to brunch with your gal pals before a day exploring the city. The restaurant itself is absolutely breathtaking, and the food is even better. The menu is literally the size of a small book, so you're sure to find something. Trust me on this one, you won't be disappointed.

The Sugar Factory

The Sugar Factory is all about aesthetics. Here you can order a small fishbowl sized drink filled with bright colors and candy. It's every sugar lover's dream. Be sure to have your camera ready to take a ridiculous amount of cute pics with your giant drink.

No matter where you go or what you do for spring break, make sure its something that makes you happy with people who make you happy, and you'll be just fine. Take care of yourself and finish the semester strong. You got this!

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