1. Jones Hollywood: West Hollywood, CA | The Odyssey Online
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10 Pie Places For Your Pi Day

"Pie is love."

10 Pie Places For Your Pi Day
Karolina Grabowska

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Math gurus and foodies alike all love the iconic "Pi Day" that comes around every year on March 14th (3.14). So if you're around any of these areas come Thursday, pick up a celebratory pie on you way, and even if you aren't, enjoy a good slice somehow on the occasion.

1. Jones Hollywood: West Hollywood, CA


This pie joint is the go-to place for celebs and the general public alike in the greater Los Angeles area. Their signature apple pie is made with thick caramel and flaky crust, and served with three scoops of decadent homemade vanilla ice cream.

2. A La Mode Pies: Seattle, WA 

This cute little pie shop is the best place to grab a bite and relax in Seattle. Inspired by his mother's childhood recipes, they're known for their award-winning bourbon butterscotch pie and their French apple a la mode with their Bluebird vanilla ice cream. Definitely give it a try if you are ever that way.

3. Petsi Pies: Cambridge, MA


Petsi (pronounced "peet-see") Pies is an indie bakery serving handmade pies all baked fresh with all-natural ingredients and no fillers or mixes. Stop in and try their chocolate bourbon pecan pie, twice-baked almond brioche, or their chocolate whoopie cupcake.

4. Three Brothers Bakery: Houston, TX

The three Jucker brothers were Holocaust survivors that opened this baker in 1949. The place is still run by the family, and they serve the "Best Mail Order Pecan Pie America Has to Offer," according to Country Living Magazine.

5. Pie Corps: Brooklyn, NY


Other than the dessert pies you know as normal, this place makes insane and unique pies such as their vegetarian pie with creamy spinach, Asiago, and mustard seed. Also known for their famous croque madame pie, I'm sure it's great for those cold days in New York.

6. Leoda's Kitchen and Pie Shop: Lahaina, HI

Don't let the tropical weather kill your pie-loving appetite, this location only makes for easy access to deliciously fresh fruit, and everyone knows it. Anytime you may find yourself in Hawaii, try their banana cream pie or their coconut cream pie, you won't be disappointed.

7. Achatz Handmade Pie Co: Chesterfield, MI


This pie place needed four locations to satisfy all of their customers and growth. Their most popular selection, the Michigan four-berry pie with cherries, blueberries, blackberries, and raspberries. Obviously, a smart choice for any pie connoisseur.

8. Deliciously Dangerous Pies: Baltimore, MD

This chef's skills were learned from his grandmother. He brought his vision to life with his invention of "The Baltimore Bomb" made with Maryland's Berger Cookies melted with vanilla custard. Best of all though, they deliver pies for when you don't feel like going out.

9. Norske Nook: Osseo, WI


Norske Nook has won three National Pie Championship awards so they're kind of a big deal. They have become a staple on Wisconsin's must-do list so stop in and try one of their delicious select pies.

10. Pie Shop: Atlanta, GA 

This shop is known as the premier place in Atlanta. They live by "Pie is love," what better way to live?

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