What Happened Last Night In Philly Is Not Ok
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6 Of Philadelphia's Finest Were Shot In The Line Of Duty And People On Twitter Cheered

Yesterday it hit a little too close to home.

Six police officers shot in philadelphia drug raid.

Police officers are everyday people. They are someone's brother, sister, mom, dad, husband, wife, cousin, friend. They could be your child. But people show no respect or remorse. Quite frankly, I believe we're in a generation that lacks the basic regard for human life.

And it's absolutely sickening.

I saw people on Twitter tweeting about how happy they were these police officers — who are human beings — were being shot and injured.

To be completely honest, I'm sick of it.

When it's you in danger, or your loved one dying or in need of help you can call 911, but other than that people are so quick to throw hate.

Trust me, not everyone is perfect, we are all aware, and we all know that some people shouldn't be in the force but that is not the majority. Majority of these officers are everyday people who want to help people and put their life on the line every day when they leave for work.

(I know people might be judging me here, but TRUST me I know that our system is flawed, but it's just with a few corrupt people, not every employee in the field.)

Our society has normalized disrespect towards figures in charge and it's not OK. Especially our city needs a change. Why is it that two officers going to serve a narcotic involved warrant end up trapped in the middle of an active shooting in which other members on the force were injured and shot? This is not OK, and it's not normal.

Gun violence is an extremely important issue that needs to be further looked into, and quick. We have too loose of laws surrounding guns and our country is suffering because of it. Australia had a mass shooting in 1996 and it only took a few weeks for them to change their policies and get a stricter set of laws surrounding guns, but for the US, this is not the case.

Since the '96 incident in Australia, and the change in gun laws, the country has not seen another fatal mass shooting.

The United States? We have experienced more mass shootings in 2019 than we've had days.

So why has a change not been implemented?

Luckily, by the help of God, the six officers shot in last night's incident walked away with non-life threatening injuries, but what if they had all died? That would have been another mass shooting (which is accepted as a shooting that results in the death of four or more persons) that happened right in the middle of our city.

I know there are still good people in the world, and I haven't completely given up on our society and generation, but I am very close.

We need to gain back respect for those who protect us. Learn to love each other despite the differences we may have, and learn to love ourselves again. How can you love yourself and take another person's life? I don't think you can, so in order to make some progress let's first work on ourselves and hopefully it leads us to stop all of the disregard for others' lives.

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