Pro #5: The cuteness. | The Odyssey Online
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5 Pros And 5 Cons Of Owning A Pet As A College Student

Being a college student is hard enough, here are five pros and cons to keep in mind.

Katy Morell

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In college, you will have more responsibilities than ever before. Tests or quizzes every week, papers due, projects, on top of that you may work or join clubs or need 80 service hours, like we do here at FGCU! Now add another responsibility but this one's alive. My old roommate had two geckos, which were the littlest cutest beans, but they came with some troubles, like vet expenses and cleaning and extra time dedicated to social interactions.

You may be thinking, "I have pets my whole life!" Or, "Yea, I cannot handle a pet right now!" Maybe you're just on the fence on whether or not you can or can't have a happy healthy pet. Here are five pros and cons that may help you decide if a pet is right for you while in school!

Pro 1: They're great cuddlers!

The first day I got my puppy moose.

Katy Morell

You know when you're watching the TV or laying in bed and you wish you had something with you to keep you company? A pet does that! Depending on what type of pet you have they may love to snuggle with you! And let's be honest here, who doesn't want a sweet little doggo curled up next to you at all times???

Con 1. Your housing may not allow it.

In college, a lot of student housing doesn't allow pets. While you will see students that go around this and get service animals or emotional support animals, these places usually aren't animal-friendly so it makes it hard for you to take care of your pet. Whether it means they don't have enough room for them to exercise or play, or maybe they don't even have easy access to a place to go to the bathroom, it can make it tough to give your pet the life they deserve.

Pro #2: Having a pet can help you cope with the pressures of being at school.

A little lab in North Carolina.

Katy Morell

College life gets hard, you fail tests or your boss yells at you and life can suddenly seem like it's way too much. Imagine being able to go home and your pet greets you, suddenly it makes life ok again. If you're someone who struggles with depression, anxiety, PTSD, or another mental illness you can apply to get an Emotional Support Animal. ESA's are trained to help you cope when your symptoms hit!

Con #2: You don't really have the time for them.

Some pets are very low maintenance, like a fish, but most do require a certain level of care to make them happy. If you're a full-time student and working and trying to have a social life, which most college students are, it can be really hard to find the time for an animal. Keep in mind most pets need exercise, attention, and many need routines, like specific feeding times.

Pro #3: Did you want a best friend, because now you'll have one!

A little gecko!

Katy Morell

You know when Chad from delta theta gamma beta fish broke up with you last week, or when Mary took that other guy to her Semi-Formal but not you? Don't you just want to cry your heart out to someone? This is where your pet saves the day by giving you their judgment free love! Just passed that super hard math class that you thought for sure you were going to fail? Go home and give your pet a big ol' hug and even though you're pretty sure they can't understand you, I'm sure they'll be happy for you!

Con #3: Money, Money, Money!

Pets have vet bills, food costs, supply costs, and if you're a crazy pet mom like me extra stuff to make your pets look adorable! Depending on how many pets you have and what kind of animal they are expenses add up! You must keep them eating enough of the right food which gets expensive, you will have to take them to a vet more than you expect. Pets also need supplies, like toys, cages, tanks, litter boxes, treats, and more. These costs don't even take into account things your pets don't need but totally do need (like the bowtie I bought my dog because he just looks too cute with it on).

Pro #4: It teaches you responsibility!

Sugar Glider Elsa

Tiffany Avgoulas

I always joke that my dog is my son, but there's truth to that! Having a pet means you're responsible for another living life and when you're keeping your pet happy and healthy you learn from it.

Con #4: Animals live for a long time.

I know this one sounds very obvious, but many people tend to forget that most animals live for a significant amount of time! Dogs and cats can live around 20 years, even smaller animals like hamsters and fish can live for over five years. This is longer than you'll be in your undergraduate years!

Pro #5: The cuteness.

Little kitty waiting to be adopted

Katy Morell

Look! Look at the cuteness! The eyes! So sweet! The itty bitty paws! Help me this picture is so cute my heart is going to burst!

Con #5: Traveling or moving becomes hard!

If you like to travel or visit family often you will have to take your pet into account! If you want to go on vacation, you either have to bring your pet with you or find accommodations for them. If you do take them with you the ride itself may be hard on them whether it's by car, plane, bus, etc. Also, find a person to watch them or a place for them to stay may stress them out or cause anxiety.

Overall a pet is a great addition to your life and family, but you have to be ready for everything! As a pet-mom to seven babies, I encourage people to get pets because they really make your life happier and full of love, but it isn't for everyone and that's OK!

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