Many fans of the popular ABC show recently watched the final season come to an end. It was a dramatic, emotional, and joyous ending to such a long ride with those beloved characters. As you watched your favorites come together one last time, you were probably wondering which one you would be most like.
This list will give a description of some lead characters to help you decide who you can relate to the most. Maybe you are someone who protects your family like Emma Swan, or maybe you have another darker side of you that tends to come out like Rumplestiltskin. Either way, you will all enjoy your own version of a happy ending with this list.
1. You will do anything to protect your family because they are most important to you.
You are like Emma Swan.
Sometimes you will go to an extreme to save someone from making a wrong decision. Some choices even go against your own health and safety because family is that important to you. You may not have always been close growing up, but now you realize you are lost without them. Every decision you make is to benefit them in some way.
You might also have a bit of sassy spunk in you. Your sarcastic side can be a lot of fun to be around, so keep that trait close to heart as well.
2. You are determined to follow your dreams no matter how impossible.
You are like Henry Mills.
You never let anyone push you down or hold you back. If you have a goal in your vision, you never stop until you achieve it. If possible, you will try to go beyond your own expectations because you never give up.
You also might just be young, dreaming of your future without fully thinking of reality. That is okay if you still have years ahead of you to figure it all out.
3. You tend to push yourself down even when others lift you up.
You are like Regina Mills (The Evil Queen).
You have an issue with believing in yourself sometimes. You do not think you deserve a "happy ending" because too much has happened to you in your life. Those around you will continue to lift you up and support you even when you do not realize or accept it in return.
My advice to you is to lean on those around you and realize all they are doing for you. You deserve to be happy!
4. You know how to charm people especially if it means getting your way.
You are like Killian Jones (Captain Hook).
Everyone loves a good charmer especially when you know how to use it for the better. You also know how to charm yourself out of sticky situations or when you get caught up with the wrong people. Sometimes you can even use it to attract someone such as Hook does with Emma.
Keep on using that inner pirate charm of yours to do something positive in your life.
5. You have a darker side to you that comes out sometimes when you do not want it.
You are like Mr. Gold (Rumplestiltskin/Crocodile).
A whole other side of you comes out when you are around certain people. You have mood swings, slight anger, and those around you never know what to expect. This is not always a bad thing because it also means you have that other good side of you still there somewhere.
It is your job to figure out how to find that better part of you and let others see that side. You have the power to be yourself, and why not make it the best version of you.
6. You always know how to find your way to the people you love most.
You are like Mary Margaret (Snow White).
You understand who should be most important in your life. This can include religious figures, family, significant others, friends, coworkers, and anyone else who is connected to you in any way. You will always be there for them even if it is not always obvious. You support people because you know they matter, and you love them for everything they do for you.
You will always find your way home if you follow your heart.
7. You like to take the lead especially to help save the day.
You are like David Nolan (Prince Charming).
You know how to accomplish things because you know what you are doing. If you can help someone out in any way, you will go out of your way to be there for them. People can look up to you as a role model and someone important because you especially know how to carry yourself.
You also take charge when literally no one else will because you often recognize a need for someone to lead.
8. You find the good in every situation because you want to uplift others.
You are like Belle.
You lift those up around you because you can always find the best part of them. You tend to be a positive person who everyone wants to hang out with just to be in a better mood themselves. You never let your spirit weaken to make you sad because you are a beacon of hope and light for others.
You also do not settle for anything less than the best, so others must meet your standards to make you happy.
9. You do not handle change well, and this makes you hold some grudges.
You are like Zelena (Wicked Witch of the West).
Some things will never change in your mind. Too many people have hurt you in some way in your past. You have been lied to, you have been cheated on, you have had to leave some things and people behind. You do not forgive yourself or those people which makes you hold grudges.
Things will turn out better for you if you can figure out how to handle that change and pain. You can be happy too if you allow yourself to be.
10. You are the person people will always come back to because you are home.
You are like Granny.
Everyone wants to be around you and will always come back to you. People can feel at home and relaxed whenever they are with you. People should be your friend because you can give them the world if they let you.
Never take your life for granted because you never know how many people are truly affected by you.
Having been a part of this family since the very first season, I still cannot pick which one character I am most like. We are all maybe a bit of each. That is what makes Once Upon A Time so special and relatable. We all get to share in the magic and happy endings.