A Case For Embracing Your Introverted Side | The Odyssey Online
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A Case For Embracing Your Introverted Side

Because there's nothing wrong with taking time for yourself!

A Case For Embracing Your Introverted Side

We have all experienced the fear of missing out night after making the decision to enjoy a Thursday or Friday night in only to be greeted by pictures of people we know having an amazing time doing exactly the opposite of what you are. At times like these, I often begin to question myself and the decision I made to just spend time simply listening to music or writing.

Is it wrong that the things that genuinely make me happy are not the things that the media tells us should do so?

Although everyone occasionally enjoys the night in, there are those that really need their downtime to recharge and can't function really well without it. The media often perpetuates the largely false perception in society that the more social and outgoing you are, the more successful in life and there is so much pressure on college students especially to constantly be seeking out opportunities, talking to professors, and getting to know people.

Don't get me wrong, I really do believe that all of those things are important!! However, I think it is time that the media and popular culture stop making people feel as though they aren't successful if they aren't doing all those things one hundred percent of the time.

Personally, though those who know me can see my introverted side, I can also be really extroverted. Because of this, I often feel as though I am juggling two very different personalities. A large part of me loves spending time with my friends and going out and trust me, there have definitely weekends when I've had the desire to go out every single night.

However, on other weekends the only thing I have wanted to do is stay in bed all day and just spend time with myself. I love just rewatching dumb romcoms or old episodes of The Office.

More than that though, I feel like having time alone allows me the space to be creative. All my best ideas come to me when I'm in bed with my headphones in. Being on my own helps me think of ideas I'm excited to share about with my friends and family later on.

When I'm excited to share something about a project I've been working on or an idea I've had, I am naturally more extroverted and present in the conversations I have the next day.

Balancing your extroverted and introverted sides can be really tricky but to everyone out there questioning themselves, there is nothing wrong with taking time for yourself. It is in fact, really really important!! I really hope that in the future, the media will start acknowledging the power that lies in embracing your introverted side.

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