There’s Finally A Law Banning Hair Discrimination And It's Been A Long Time Coming
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There’s Finally A Law Banning Hair Discrimination And It's Been A Long Time Coming

NYC and California are two of the most populated states, and the only ones to make the long-awaited change.

There’s Finally A Law Banning Hair Discrimination And It's Been A Long Time Coming

I have rocked my own natural hair for about 6 years now, and with every day, I learn something new about taking care of it, styling it, and learning to love it, no matter what state it's in. However, it hasn't always been like this and the same could be said for the attitudes of people towards natural/kinky hair types.

For decades, natural styles such as Bantu knots, twists, and especially afros, have been deemed as "inappropriate hair-styles" especially in a corporate environment. Thus, those with natural hair were forced to suppress their curls and locks with either a flat iron that applied damaging heat onto their scalp or — even worse — harsh "relaxing" chemicals that can chop up the hair over time, leaving it ragged and jagged.

This happened to me, and it was the last straw of me using products in my hair to make it look a texture that it wasn't.

Regardless, this is the story of many natural haired/kinky hair women — they hated their locks for years until they either got so fed up with products/heat damaging their hair or until the natural hair movement really took shape. Lately, natural hair for black women especially has been embraced and become normalized in our ever-changing culture. Celebrities have jumped on this bandwagon as well, and so have social media platforms such as Instagram and YouTube. I was happy when this movement really took off and that it still remains a driving force for many women who want to learn to love their natural hair.

Of course, just like many other things, the momentum must continue. I still have a lot to learn about my hair and what's the best way for me to care for it but at least there are a lot more resources for me and others to educate themselves than there was 10-15 years ago.

Now, the movement has hit a new high. Decades of discrimination solely based on kinkier hair types and natural hair is now officially illegal — if only in two states. Known as the "CROWN" act (Creating a Respectful and Open World for Natural hair), in California, this law forbids workplaces to fire, send home or essentially discriminate based on natural hair that in the past would be deemed "inappropriate."

And trust me, this was a BIG thing. I personally haven't experienced it, but have heard stories of this happening to relatives and friends who had to play by the system's rules for years.

Statistically, Black women have been more likely to be sent home because of their hairstyles, whether it be a protective style or something that is ultimately freeing their hair, showing it in its most natural state. It has lasted through black liberation in the '60s and '70s, and even the "big hair" trend of the '80s. Finally, in 2019, it's unacceptable by law to reinforce this bias towards kinky/natural haired individuals.

New York and California, two of the most populated states, but the only ones to make the long-awaited change. It's fantastic that they are leading the charge to fight against the injustices that have been silent disturbances and hindrances for many in our society. But I also hope that their move can be the catalyst to spreading the movement to smaller states, especially those where it feels like the '50s, '60s, and '70s way of approaching many societal issues that deter the advancement of people of color are still plaguing our society. Some, have gotten even worse.

Still, the first step is super important and I believe that within the next few years, the CROWN act will spread to other progressive states and will try to change the ones in which ingrained racial bias is still normalized.

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