The Seattle Chronicles. | The Odyssey Online
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Let Me Tell You About My Friend Alex

"Go Hawks!"..Alex Larson, Ladies and Gents!

Let Me Tell You About My Friend Alex
Austin Williams

Alex Larson is one of my best friends. We've been through odd and trying times together., such as road trips and Super Bowl heartbreaks. We became stronger because of them.

Here's the lowdown on the Larson & Williams connection:

How we met


At one time, Mr. Larson had a youtube channel dedicated to just WWE and sports in general. At the time of running across his little corner of the internet, I didn't know he lived five minutes away from me. I followed him on Twitter and well...the rest is history.

Wilson VS. Stadium football games (Go Rams!) 

The world famous stadium bowl. Concrete seats and death defying stairs. It has it all.

Ahh yessss, the Stadium bowl: Tacoma, Washington's own death trap. Settled on a cliff high above the Puget Sound sits a high school and a football field. It's the school that Alex went too, but my high school held it's home football games at. It's the same field that current Atlanta Falcons Corner back and Wilson High School alum Desmond Trufant played on.

Anyways, I was perusing my feed on Twitter when I saw this post from one EDGEISTHEBEST1 on twitter. This is when I found out that Alex lived five minutes away from me.



The more I got to know him and the more we talked, I found out that his dude is a huge Seahawks and Mariners fan. We hit it off immediately. Then came the adventures....

Eastern Washington

Actual representation of the other Washington...eww

In 2013, after high school and the Mariners dreadful last season with Eric Wedge, I started to date a girl out on the eastern side of the state, whom I also met on Twitter. She came to visit the west side and myself a couple times. But twice I visited her on the east side. The second and last time, Alex rode with me six hours across the state in a beat up old Buick, across the cascades in a snowstorm with no lights to lead the way and finally on the way car's radiator busts open in the middle of the dessert! Alex and I rode like champions back into Seattle. I don't remember how we made it back, but we did. Those are the only memorable moments from that trip.

The Seattle Chronicles. 

Austin Williams

Many times, Alex and I visited Seattle, Washington. For many reasons (most of the time to explore), we have ran into so many interesting people in that town. We met this nice shopkeep at Pike Place who ran a bookstore and who was awfully nice to us. One time, we went with one of his friends, and they both ended up putting salt in my coke!

Other times, we would end up in Sodo for Mariner or Seahawk games, which were always a blast.

This is my friend Alex and you can't have him!

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