My mom is the best cook in the world | The Odyssey Online
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5 Reasons I Love Coming Home For The Summer

There's nothing like coming home for the summer after a stressful semester.

5 Reasons I Love Coming Home For The Summer

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I know that I am not the only person who is ready for a break from school. Finals always create the most amount of stress, and I just need a long, long break! So, I am so excited to get home for the summer. Although I miss my friends from UK so much, a summer at home gives me my high school friends that I miss so much, my family, and my dog. What more could I ask for? Being surrounded by all the enjoyable, simple things make summer the relaxing break I need. Whether it be a fun adventure with my friends or something as simple as playing with my puppy, I am able to be stress-free from school and chill for the summer.

My mom is the best cook in the world

emma stone

I know everyone thinks that their mom has the best food, but no – my mom is actually the best cook. My favorite dish that she makes is basically all of them, but don't get me started on her eggrolls! Yes – they are actually the best, better than any restaurant serves. My friends and I used to always request toasted ravioli (or toasted ravs, as we call them) for any high school game day. We still request them because they help us commemorate our high school days when we get together. This isn't the only way my mom's food brings people together, though. My family always try to eat dinner together. What I really think of when I get excited about a home cooked meal is sitting around the dinner table with my mom, my dad, and my sister, Lauren. Sharing details about our day, laughing, or anything else helps to keep us close, and it is something I always look forward to at the end of the day.

My new puppy

In March, my family got a new puppy! We found a mini golden doodle, Jess, in London, KY. She is the cutest, sassiest pup ever! Jess is only 13-weeks-old and is still learning to not chew on furniture, shoes, and hands. It's so hard to get mad at her because when she does something wrong, she looks at you with the most innocent face ever. However, she is going to doggy college in a few weeks when she has all of her shots.

My friends

I was blessed in high school with the best group of friends. We spend most summer nights together most of the time we spend them in my basement, which has always been the usual hang out spot. My friend group and I will find the most random adventures to do during the summer, which makes summer unpredictable but so much fun. In a small town, the options are somewhat limited, but we always get creative and find something to do. Luckily, a few of the girls in my friend group go to UK. I've had the same best friend, Grace, since I was 3-years-old. Luckily, she is only 30 minutes away from me at school, so we don't have to go too long without seeing each other. Our summer tradition, though, is usually to start a new show on Netflix together and binge watch them in my basement (exciting, right). Although we're just watching TV, this is our time to bond and talk about all things – the good and the bad.

My family

My family and I have always had a great time together. We can turn a regular family outing into an extraordinary family outing. We are always laughing and goofing off, which makes life fun. I always look forward to going home to chill with the fam. My little sister, Lauren, and I have gotten so much closer since I went to college. Don't get me wrong, we still fight over little things, like who took who's clothes out of the closet. Now, though, we do so much together, from Sonic dates to fun and fancy sister dates. We do it all.

The comfort of being home

saturday night live

I know that I am not the only one who just needs the comfort of familiar faces and places after a long, stressful year. Sleeping in my own bed and waking up at my own time is a luxury. Everything and everyone is 10 minutes from my house. Being home is so relaxing for me because I have the most comforting people and places around me.

It's nice to have a break after school and to just hang around after finals. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE being at UK. I love all the friends that I have made over the past few years. By the end of summer, I am excited to get back to my college friends and to be in Lexington again. Although for now, I am so, so thankful to be home.

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