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Eat and Drink Your Way Through Los Angeles With Me

When i die spread my ashes at the Bubba Gump at Citywalk

Eat and Drink Your Way Through Los Angeles With Me
Hailey Hastings via Canva

In This Article:

First and foremost, I am a foodie. In any city that I am in, the first thing I want to know is where the best places to eat and drink are, and I imagine a lot of you are the same. Los Angeles happens to be one of the greatest food cities in the United States, so it's only right that I present you guys with this list. These are the best places (that I have tried) in Los Angeles to eat or drink.

Bubba Gump (I am not sorry about this one)

Drunk Vince Vaughn GIF by HBO MaxGiphy

Listen, I understand that no one wants to go to city walk (i do but I’m not boring like some of y’all) I also understand that the food at Bubba Gump is just subpar, it’s the drinks and the atmosphere you’re coming here for! You’ve got a theme park next door for before or after your drinking, you’ve got shops and places to get sweets all along city walk, it’s an ideal spot.

What you’ll order: the gold and honey, always.

Location: 1000 Universal Studios Blvd Suite 114, Universal City, CA

The Fountain Bar

Comedy Im Rich GIF by ABC NetworkGiphy

I understand that people in la that think they’re too good for it, avoid the grove like the plague, but those people are missing out on my favorite dining experience I’ve had so far in the city, The Fountain Bar. Is it expensive? A bit! But the view of the fountain and the bartenders who provide endless banter (should you choose to sit at the bar) make the price seem like a no-brainer. Plus, you never know who you’ll spot while you people watch. I saw Drake Bell one time.

What you’ll order: Anything off the special drinks menu, and the salmon carpaccio

Location: 189 The Grove Dr, Los Angeles, CA 90036

Scum and Villainy Cantina 

Star Wars Drinking GIF by SkyGiphy

I don’t think of myself as a huge Star Wars nerd, however, Scum and Villainy blew me away. The atmosphere is a wet dream for fans both casual and hardcore, and the drinks!!! The drinks are where this place shines, with a marvel/star wars inspired menu, you simply can’t go wrong! If you find yourself out wondering late on Hollywood Boulevard, this is the spot you want to be at!

What you’ll order: Blue Milk, yes, this is my Disney adult coming through

Location: 6377 Hollywood Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90028

The Golden Gopher

Delicate GIF by Taylor SwiftGiphy

Listen, before anything else in my life, I am a swiftie. There was no way that I wasn’t going to recommend you all partake in my favorite bar-going experience, The Golden Gopher where Taylor Swift shot ‘Delicate,' is nestled in Downtown Los Angeles and is the perfect bar to bring your computer to and work while enjoying an Old Fashioned.

What you'll order: An Old Fashioned

Location: 417 W 8th St, Los Angeles, CA 90014

Marmalade Cafe

Episode 5 Drinking GIF by The BachelorGiphy

I know, you people avoid The Grove like the plague, but you shouldn't! Marmalade Cafe is one of two places at The Grove on this list for good reason, it's full of killer places to dine! The menu at Marmalade is vast and includes breakfast, seafood, and pasta, just to name a few of the offerings. The cocktail menu is killer as well!

What you'll order: Spicy Tuna Tartar, or potstickers!

Location: 6333 W 3rd St # E17, Los Angeles, CA 90036

Bob's Big Boy

Season 5 Nbc GIF by This Is UsGiphy

I am a diner hoe through and through, but Bob's Big Boy sits at the top of the list. From the car shows that you may see Jay Leno frequent, to the constant crowd the diner attracts, It's an environment I have really come to love. Bob's Big Boy feels like an escape from the boujie side of Los Angeles.

What you'll order: Biscuits and Gravy, duh.

Location: 4211 W Riverside Dr, Burbank, CA 91505

Nic’s on Beverly

aubrey plaza vegan GIF by LoveIndieFilmsGiphy

Nic's on Beverly is a place I had seen every influencer flaunting being at on Instagram, so naturally, I had to go visit! Now, Nic's is easily one of my go-to spots in LA. The Restaurant itself keeps pretty odd hours, so always check the website before heading there! The place is so cute inside and has an entirely plant-based menu! Nowhere is better for a boozy brunch!

What you'll order: Avocado tacos, and wine!

Location: 8265 Beverly Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90048

Tacos 1986

i think i'm incakeable of eating anymore worth it GIF by BuzzFeedGiphy

I trust Steven and Andrew from Worth it with my life, so naturally, if they recommend a place, I am going. Tacos 1986 comforted me on a lonely night at a hotel downtown and introduced me to some of the best quick-service Mexican food in the city. Best news, it's on Doordash so you can get these tacos from the comfort of your home.

Location: 7235 Beverly Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90036

Egg Tuck


There is not a better place for breakfast in Los Angeles than Egg Tuck. I ordered Egg Tuck for the first time back in April, and now I don't know how I'll ever find a place that compares. This is one of those places that is so hyped up, but it perfectly matches the hype.

What you'll order: Egg Tots, Avocado Egg Sandwich

Location: 7131 Sunset Blvd B, Los Angeles, CA 90046

Mochinut LA

You Are Amazing Love It GIF by Late Night with Seth MeyersGiphy

If you're looking for THE hidden gem in Downtown LA, look no further than Mochinut LA. This place is so cute and has easily the best mochi donuts I have found anywhere. The décor is very Instagram-worthy (yes, I'm cringe and like a good photo, leave me alone).

What you'll order: Any donut, Hot Cheetos Dog

Location: 728 S Olive St, Los Angeles, CA 90014



I mean. come on! You can't do an LA food article without mentioning Canters. Canters is the definition of a staple, everyone who has spent any length of time in the city has been here at some point. The atmosphere, the staff, the menu, THE SMELL, all 10/10.

What you'll order: literally any food item, but you HAVE to try the dill pickle bloody mary, life-changing.

Location: 419 North Fairfax Avenue

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