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5 Things I'm Looking Forward to this Summer

At this point in this semester , summer is the only thing keeping me going.

5 Things I'm Looking Forward to this Summer

Spring semester is finally coming to a close. It has been a long, tiring journey, but very soon responsibilities will be over, the sun will be shining, and we can spend long nights at the beach, rather than long nights at the lib

1. Hanging out with Friends


With this semester being my second to last semester at USF, I have been more busy than ever. I've been working on finishing up higher level science class, while studying for the MCAT, and beginning to apply for medical school. Which means, I haven't had time at all to hang out with friends. I am so excited for the sleep overs, the movie nights, the brunches. Just seeing people other than in classes for once!

2. The Beach


I live in Florida, and I can't remember the last time that I went to the beach. I made it a goal to go to the beach at least twice a month this summer. I grew up near the water, and it feels so strange to not spend my summer at the beach? Plus, at the end of last summer I adopted by puppy, and I am so excited to have him experience Davis Island's dog park!

3. Reading


Reading and writing has always been a large part of my life. Thankfully, I have had the opportunity to write for the Odyssey at USF throughout my college career, and it has definitely kept me sane in times of stress. However, reading has always been my favorite pass time. I still keep on buying so many books, with no time to read. My whole library will be accompanying me to the beach this summer!

4. Sleeping in!


I am definitely a morning person. I like waking up and knowing I have the whole day ahead of me. However, I had three 8ams this semester, and it has definitely taken a toll on me. I wake up exhausted and I come home exhausted. I am 21 years old. This is no way to live. I am going to take full advantage of being able to sleep in this summer.

5. Having no responsibility


In the end, this summer I am looking forward to a lack of responsibility. I don't want to HAVE to do anything. This summer I am going to do what I WANT and nothing else. This is my summer!!

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