4. Do what makes you happy. | The Odyssey Online
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Life Stages

Lessons You Learn Living For Someone Who Lost Their Life Too Soon

Remembering someone in everything that you do has an impact on your life in ways you can't expect.

Lessons You Learn Living For Someone Who Lost Their Life Too Soon
Mary Marsh Photography

I hit the enroll button for the semester of Fall 2019. It is the beginning of the end. How could I be a senior already? I lean back in my chair to bask at the moment, I fantasize my future that was once a far off dream but will soon be a reality. Instinctively, I log onto Facebook and the first post I saw stopped me in my tracks.

A friend from high school made a birthday post about a friend who had been killed in a car accident when we were juniors in high school.

Like a swift kick in the gut, I remembered the day we found out she died. The entire town was overtaken by a cloud of disbelief and sadness. She was on the soccer team, had been in classes with me since Kindergarten and went to the same church as I did. It was a huge loss for my hometown and my class.

A loss like that never leaves a person, and when I came to college three years ago, I made a promise that I would live the college experience to the fullest. If she could not enjoy college, I would enjoy it double for her sake. It certainly has not been easy, Lord knows I have been tempted to quit. However, it was the memory of this friend that kept me going and pursuing my goals and dreams.

I learned four valuable lessons through this life mission that I think anybody could agree.

1. Stay moving.

I am not saying become a bodybuilder and get those #gainz, but you can always go for a little walk or take the stairs. You cannot be successful in the classroom if you do not feel good physically. Going to the gym is a great way to blow off steam, study your flashcards on the treadmill, and interact with other people, without having to say much. Being physically fit and active will make a world of difference in your classroom performance.

2. Seize your opportunities.

From a $20 concert to being an officer in a club or taking an interesting class, never pass up an opportunity to do something interesting.

3. Don't be afraid to try things alone.

Going to a workout class, club meeting, or school event alone can lead to making new friends. You will not be hiding behind the safety of an already formed relationship with somebody. I made one of my best friends at a club meeting where I knew nobody.

4. Do what makes you happy.

This one seems self-explanatory, but you would be surprised how hard this can be. You feel obligated to keep going or putting in effort when really it is becoming a major drain. Saying no is hard, but sometimes quitting for your personal sake can be even harder. If you are involved with something and it is not leading to overall happiness or fulfillment in your life, do not be afraid to say no and look for something that gives you more purpose. You have a lot to offer and you need to find an organization or activity that compliments and encourages you to be the best person you can be.

5. Actually try.

You are on Earth for a reason, find that reason and give it your 100% effort. It is not easy, it sometimes is not fun, but if what you are working on leads to a world of opportunities, you would be silly not to give it all you have. Do not be afraid to take a hard class because you will learn 10 times more than if you went with the easy route. Do not be afraid to pursue a harder option because that can make you more well rounded. The harder the work, the sweeter the success.

School- heck, life is not easy, but always remember to enjoy each day you are given because every new day is a gift. Live your life for those who never got the chance.

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