3. "Chestnuts Roasting On an Open Fire" by Ariana Grande and Elizabeth Gillies | The Odyssey Online
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11 Lesser-Known Christmas Songs To Check Out This Holiday Season

New songs and underrated covers to diversify your holiday music

11 Lesser-Known Christmas Songs To Check Out This Holiday Season

Last year, I wrote this exact article, so if you haven't seen that, I encourage you to discover even more obscure Christmas songs/covers. But since then, many more of these have been made and/or discovered, so here are some lesser-known Christmas songs!

1. "All I Want for Christmas" by Ingrid Michaelson ft. Leslie Odom Jr.

Ingrid and Leslie's voices are like butter, making this usually upbeat song slow down without feeling boring. Hearing the stripped down version of the song really makes you appreciate the words more. Plus the dancing in the music video is beautiful.

2. "Deck the Halls" by Walk Off the Earth

I dare you to watch this without smiling. This video really is the embodiment of Christmas cheer, plus Walk Off the Earth's arrangement of this song makes it more fun and contemporary.

3. "Chestnuts Roasting On an Open Fire" by Ariana Grande and Elizabeth Gillies

This is a throwback to 2011 when these two were still on Nickelodeon's "Victorious" and none of us knew how talented they are. It's a cute duet between friends.

4. "Silent Night" by Pentatonix

Yes, Pentatonix isn't underrated, but a lot of people tend to forget about their arrangement of "Silent Night," even though it is (in my opinion) one of the best arrangements they've ever done. You don't need a huge production to make a song good. You just need super talented people singing in perfect harmony.

5. "O Holy Night" by Anthony Evans

The range on this man is ridiculous! His voice is incredible and completely underrated.

6. "Little Drummer Boy" by Josh Groban

Josh Groban has a golden voice and not including a song from his Christmas album felt wrong. I liked how he took a unique turn with the arrangement of this song, going the sort of acoustic/Irish route.

7. "I've Been a Good Girl" from "The Christmasaurus"

Sung by the amazing Carrie Hope Fletcher, this song is from a Christmas musical that was performed in London last year. It's the only Christmas song I can think of where the singer blatantly admits that they weren't that good, but want toys anyway.

8. "The Christmas Waltz" by Sleeping At Last

The instrumental bits of this song sound so magical that it immediately throws me into the Christmas spirit.

9. "Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas" by Judy Garland

There have been so many covers of this song that many people don't know that the song was originally from a musical called "Meet Me In St. Louis," which starred Judy Garland. This more old-school sound and arrangement is just as special as any modern one.

10. "You And Christmas" by Rusty Clanton and Tessa Violet

We all need a cute romantic acoustic Christmas song in our lives. It's wholesome and really captures the loving holiday spirit.

BONUS TRACK: "Dirshu Adonai" by Kenneth Lampl

This isn't officially part of the list because it is technically a new Hanukkah song, not Christmas. It is a choir song that was released last year. I sang it in choir and it was one of the most amazing experiences hearing the majesty of the 12-part harmony echoing through the hallways. It's too beautiful to not share with the world.

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