10. Go to Oktoberfest | The Odyssey Online
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15 Last-Minute Things To Do Before Fall Is Over

"I'm so glad I live in a world where there are Octobers" – L.M. Montgomery

Photo by Alex Geerts on Unsplash

Fall is a wonderful time of year where leaves start changing color, the weather becomes crisper, and everything becomes pumpkin flavored. It is the start of the holiday season and is a relief to those who just aren't summer people. Fall is also when the semester is in full swing, so doing things that bring you joy are a great way to give yourself some love during school. That being said, don't miss out of some fun activities you can only take advantage of in the fall. Use the season to its fullest and go enjoy some fun activities before the season ends.

1. Go to an Orchard

Orchards provide a multitude of different apples that are perfect to get and make an assortment of fall foods with. Some favorites are apple pie and apple sauce.

2. Pumpkin Picking

Who doesn't love going out and picking that perfect pumpkin. Whether you use them for decoration, or to carve, it's a fun activity to do.

3. Get Lost in a Corn Maze

Maybe do this during the day if you are one to get easily scared. If you like the fright, night is your time to go.

4. Go to a Haunted House

Even the most scared people can find a house that is suitable for them. Ranging from barely, to extremely, everyone can go enjoy a night or a bit, or a lot of scares.

5. Jump in a Pile of Leaves

Let that inner five year old come out and play. Use that to run full speed and jump in that pile of leaves.

6. Walk and Enjoy a Scenic Hike

Hiking becomes 100% prettier when the fall hits because of all the beautiful colors the leaves become. It becomes cooler, but not too cold so you can enjoy the hike without freezing your toes off.

7. Bake an Apple of Pumpkin Pie

Pumpkin is everywhere when the fall comes around each year. Instead of buying all the new and possibly unnecessary products, go back to the roots. Make yourself a delicious pumpkin pie, or an apple, if that's more your thing.

8. Make Butternut Squash Soup

Cold days with warm soup is one of the best combinations. Make that soup a butternut squash soup and you are looking at a fantastic meal.

9. Carve a Pumpkin

Whether you do the traditional faces like above, or get more artsy, let that artist shine by carving a pumpkin.

10. Go to Oktoberfest

Grab some friends together and go to a local Oktoberfest. Good company and great beers always makes for a good outing.

11. Drink some [Spiked] Hot Apple Cider

One of the best drinks in the world, warm apple cider just makes the day all the more perfect. Easily spiked for those who want a little more.

12. Watch "It's a Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown"

This show is a classic to watch around Halloween. It's cute and nostalgic and really gives one the feeling of Halloween as a kid.

13. Or Any Other Fall favorites

No matter what your favorite it, watch it. It makes one get into that Halloween and fall spirit.

14. Build/Go to a Bonfire

Warm fires + surrounded by friends and/or family = good times, especially when warm apple cider and marshmallows are included

15. Go and/or Throw and Halloween Party

Get dressed up and have a blast.

Enjoy the rest of the season and don't miss out on all the fun.

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