Lacuna Releases 'Talk No More,' Yet Another Future Bass Hit | The Odyssey Online
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Lacuna Releases 'Talk No More,' Yet Another Future Bass Hit

Stream 'Talk No More' on Spotify today!

Lacuna Releases 'Talk No More,' Yet Another Future Bass Hit

Lacuna, a smaller record label I've gotten the privilege of bragging about before (, has just released another praise-worthy song, 'Talk No More,' by With Love featuring Veronica Bravo. It released at the beginning of April and is already With Love's most popular song on Spotify.

With Love is new to the music scene as of 2018 with his first song 'Welcome,' and I feel as though he's in for a wild and popular ride, especially within the EDM and future bass community.

Veronica Bravo is a 23-year-old singer from Western Australia with a combined total of millions of streams. She mostly appears on EDM, trap, pop, and future bass tracks. Rumor has it she is releasing some solo projects in the future.

Veronica Bravo

"Talk No More" is definitely a vocal driven track, and a beautiful one at that. The meaning behind this song is interesting, and brings an unexpectedly relatable perspective to those who listen.

With a slow beginning leading to an upbeat and climactic middle, this song isn't one you can just listen to the chorus and skip, every second of the song adds something unique to its entirety. Lacuna has yet again released music that's breaking ground within the music industry.

With Love

Stream "Talk No More" on Spotify today! Check out With Love on Instagram here and Veronica Bravo on Instagram here.

Lacuna is releasing hit after hit, so make sure to follow this record label on your socials to keep up with them!

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