Items You Won't Regret Packing For College
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12 Items You Won't Regret Packing  For Your Dorm This Year

You can not leave home without these 12 items packed in your bags!

12 Items You Won't Regret Packing  For Your Dorm This Year

Moving for anyone is a big task. You are constantly wondering if you forgot something or if you packed too much. When leaving for college, whether it's the first time or your fourth it always seems like you forget something. I have put together a list of items you absolutely can't forget when packing for school this year. Some items might seem rather obvious, while others easily slip your mind without fail. Without further ado, here are 12 items you won't regret packing this year.

A laptop or computer to work on.

While this might seem obvious to some, a laptop is on my No. 1 spot of things to bring to college. I have done so much work on my laptop for my classes. From writing papers to researching topics for my essays, I have used my laptop almost every day while I am at school. If a laptop is not in your budget, check to see if your school offers student access to computers in your library!

You're going to laugh, but a plunger.

While a gold plunger is quite extra, it's one item you will probably forget to pack. I will never forget my roommate Junior year clogging the toilet and both of us scrambling to Walmart to buy a plunger. So do yourself a favor and pick one up before moving in.

A fridge or microwave for all your late night snack needs.

While this fridge setup is a little over the top, having a fridge and a microwave is a must! I can't tell you how many times I woke up late for class and I would microwave a bowl of oatmeal real quick. This year I got the cutest retro mini fridge for my room from Walmart! I am so excited to put it in my dorm and use it for my almond milk and leftovers!

This is basic, but a reusable water bottle.

Going to school in Arizona means you need to be hydrated at ALL times. The first thing you might notice at GCU is almost everyone is strapped with a sticker-filled hydroflask. These bottles are not only a great way to save plastic, but they also keep your water ice-cold for hours! You will definitely want to pick one up if you go to a school where it's hot.

A full-length mirror so you can make sure your outfit is on point.

Most college dorms will have a half mirror in the bathroom but that's about it. I picked up a full-length mirror from Walmart for $5 and it is perfect for my everyday morning routine!

You'll want a throw blanket for all the cozy vibes.

While you might not absolutely NEED a throw blanket for your bed, you're going to want it. Trust me. Your friends are going to have a movie night in the common room or even better, outside. You will want to be able to grab a thin blanket to cuddle up with as you binge watch Netflix and snack on unhealthy food you'll regret eating later.

If you like sleeping, you're going to want a mattress pad.

If you've ever visited a college dorm room you'll quickly notice that the mattresses slightly resemble something you might see behind bars at your local prison (not that you should be near your local prison). This being the case, I ordered a four-inch mattress topper for my dorm bed and I have zero regrets.

My first year of college I only had a two-inch mattress pad and it honestly didn't make that much of a difference. So this year I decided to go with a "Four-Inch Gel Memory Foam Mattress Topper" from Lucid mattress and I LOVE it. I highly recommend getting either a three or four-inch mattress topper for your bed.

One item you didn't know your bathroom needs: bath mats

There is nothing worse than getting out of the shower and stepping on to the cold bathroom floor. I got a few mats for our bathroom. One for the toilet, one for the shower, and one for in front of the sink. You wouldn't think that these are important or even needed but when it's 1 a.m. and you're going pee and the bathroom floor is nice and warm, thanks to your bath mats, you'll thank me.

Never lose your keys by hanging your keys up when walking in the door!

One little detail that can sometimes be overlooked is a home for your keys. Having a spot to put your keys every day when you come back to the dorm is such a lifesaver! I like to use command strips to make a quick spot to hang my keys right when I come back to my room. It's so easy to find your keys when you're on the go!

Don't throw your laundry on the floor, put it in a basket!

Having a laundry basket is not only a fashionable dorm accessory but it is also super practical. I love being able to have a spot to throw my laundry and a cute basket to carry down to the laundry room!

You obviously will need a backpack so make it cute.

I absolutely love my Herschel Supply backpack. I have had it for over five years and it's still in amazing condition! It holds my laptop, charger, notebooks, pens, and has plenty of room for snacks too! I would definitely look into investing in a good backpack for this semester.

Lastly, a Polaroid camera will capture all the memories you will make! 

While a Polaroid camera might not need to come with you to school, it sure does help capture memories in a special way! I love being able to snap a picture and hang it on my wall to look back on! It an easy way to have an instant keepsake! If your budget allows it I would invest in one of these cuties!

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