With so many presidential candidates in the 2016 race, it's pretty hard to distinguish everyone from each other. If you're like me and don't have a favorite candidate yet, you probably need help identifying who's who. I felt the easiest way to do this would be to compare some of the top presidential candidates to some of today's popular cartoon characters.
I won't get to all of them, because comparing 20 Republican and Democrat candidates to cartoon characters is difficult. Not as difficult as grasping the fact that there are actually 20 candidates in the race though, however.
So without further ado-
Ted Cruz- The Rich Texan
These guys have quite a few similarities. They're both Republican, very pro-2nd Amendment, and they are both actually not from Texas (Cruz is from Canada and The Rich Texan is from Connecticut). The Rich Texan's license plate reads "NO SHAME", like Ted Cruz had when he made this video for Buzzfeed
I understand he wanted to do the video to appeal to younger voters and show how he's not a boring, old politician, but come on. If he loses the election, voicing cartoon characters shouldn't be his fall back plan.
Chris Christie- Bender
Chris Christie and Bender are both hot tempered, aren't afraid to tell someone they're an idiot, and both like indulge themselves (Christie with food and Bender with alcohol).
They also both like telling people to shut up too.
I can just imagine Chris Christie doing something like this next time a reporter asks him a stupid question-
Hillary Clinton/Jeb Bush- CatDog
It doesn't matter who's Cat and who's Dog, because they're both pretty much the same person. Cat and Dog both have different personalities (Bush is a Republican and Clinton is a Democrat), their noses are either red or blue (although brown sometimes shows up on Bush and Clinton), and they are both tied at the hip to each other, or more specifically in Bush and Clinton's case, American politics.
Bush and Clinton are both getting A LOT of money from Wall Street, because everyone there knows that, like how Americans are either "cat" or "dog" lovers, voters will most likely have to be a Bush or Clinton Lover come 2016.
Bernie Sanders- Filburt
Credit to Elizabeth King at Bustle.com for this one.Filburt and Bernie both sound nasally and they are never seen without glasses. They're both pretty smart guys, but are occasionally overshadowed (Rocko overshadows Filbert, just as Hillary overshadows Bernie).
I can just imagine Bernie saying this in a rocking chair while imaging how much money multi-billion dollar corporations are going to donate to Clinton and Bush.
Although Doc Brown isn't a cartoon character, these guys both need to invest in a comb... or maybe some conditioner...
Donald Trump- Zapp Brannigan
I swear, they might be twins. They both completely obsessed with themselves and are very successful at their jobs (Zapp is apparently a 25-star general), but both say and do stupid things. a lot...
They also have a habit of, well, pissing people off.
- Zapp once accidentally blew up the Democratic Order of Planet's headquarters while trying to cut a ribbon.
- Trump said he would "bomb the hell" out of Iraq's oil fields to keep them out of the hands of ISIS. Oil isn't flammable, right?
- When Earth declared war on the Brain Balls, Zapp said, “We know nothing about them, their language, their history or what they look like. But we can assume this. They stand for everything we don’t stand for."
- Sounds like a reason The Donald would go to war with someone.
Anyway, that's all I can come up with for now. Comment below if you can think of any better or new comparisons!