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Student Life

Give Me A Razor Scooter To The Ankle And 44 Other Things I'd Rather Do Than Study For Midterms

It's fine. I'm fine.

Give Me A Razor Scooter To The Ankle And 44 Other Things I'd Rather Do Than Study For Midterms
Personal Photo

It's midterm szn and here I am still on my same bullsh*t finding anything to do besides study. Here is quite a long list of things I might be willing to do to get out of my exams.

1. Pet a snake.

2. Take a razor scooter to the ankle.

3. Deal with my feelings.

4. Watch badly made ASMR videos.

5. Take an ice bath. 

6. Sleep in my dog's crate.

7. Wax my entire body.

8. Ride a bull.

9. Check my bank account.

10. Take a shopping cart to the back of the ankle.

Nothing made my mom more furious than when I'd recklessly do this to her in a grocery store by accident.

11. Give an impromptu speech.

12. Only eat salad for a week.

and no good toppings.

13. Shop online.

Aka adding countless things to my wishlists knowing I'll never buy them... thanks college...

14. Look at all my friends hanging out without me on Instagram.

15. Stand outside in the rain for an hour.

Maybe longer, it's negotiable.

16. Bird watch.

17. Listen to old Katy Perry songs on repeat.

18. Go to a family reunion.

19. Visit Antartica.

20. Read about conspiracy theories.

21. Watch a horror film.

Anxiety inducing.

22. Volunteer for the Hunger Games.

23. Fall in front of a large crowd.

24. Watch Disney Junior.

25. Look for Santa Claus.

26. Go to church...

27. Eat at a school cafeteria.

28. Run a mile. 

29. Sew a button onto some pants.

If you know me you know I just cringed even writing that sentence...I hate buttons. Don't ask me why. They just gross me out for some reason.

30. Super glue my right pinky and ring fingers together.

31. Sit in a room full of cats 

Ok, this one I might actually go do instead of studying...not the worst one on the list.

32. Convince someone to sign up for an angel card.

33. Walk on stilts.

34. Ride a unicycle to class every day.

Oh, so now I'm in the circus?

35. Visit my high school.

36. Relive Red White & Boom 2017.

You don't wanna know.

37. Do the cinnamon challenge.

38. Eat a tide pod.

39. Change a diarrhea diaper.

40. Play a game of chess with my worst enemy.

41. Go to a rock concert.

42. Do a juice cleanse.

43. Hold a frog.

44. Get pushed into a pool with my phone in my pocket.

45. Probably many other things I wasn't creative enough to think of :).

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