13. Use your creative talents. | The Odyssey Online
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Student Life

23 Methods To Get A Date For Midnight Yell

My methods are foolproof to ensure that even the most awkward ags can land a kiss at Mugdown!

23 Methods To Get A Date For Midnight Yell
@sorrisidipintiii on Instagram

In This Article:

Spoiler alert: Don't be above lying.

1. Be on the lookout.


Keep your eyes peeled in class for cuties. Follow them in the hallways and on campus to learn their class schedules. Just don't let them know you're stalking them. The familiarity of your face will make her feel safe, and inclined to accept your offer.

2. Keep it classy.


Throw multiple paper airplanes with "plz go to midnight yell with me" at the girl you like from class.

3. Use your natural assets.


Walk campus shirtless. But only if you built like Chris Hemsworth.

4. Be spontaneous.


Raid any random dorm, kidnap the first girl you see, and take her to midnight yell.

5. Appeal to her emotions.


Cry loudly in Evans library. Women love sensitive men.

6. Lie.


Be in the corps and tell girls that you know Rev's handler.

7. Lie MORE.


Say that you ARE Rev's handler.

8. Show off your status.


Literally just get a pair of senior boots.

9. Be stylish.


Use copious amounts of hair gel to assure you look sleek and stylish. Image is everything when securing a date. Bonus points if it's the strongly scented kind.

10. It's all about connections.


Say that you're best friends with or related to a yell leader.

11. Be bold.


Wear a ridiculous amount of axe body spray when you go to ask her. Ladies LOVE it.

12. Shoot your shot.


DM celebrities "how many RTs to go to midnight yell?"

13. Use your creative talents.


Serenade the girl you love with a poorly-written, badly-played, original song on your old guitar from middle school. She'll have to agree after that, especially if you do it in the halls before class. How much more embarrassment can you take? She'll say yes out of pity, unless you sound like Ed Sheeran. Then she'll say yes out of amazement.

14. Be assertive.


Yell at random girls on campus. It doesn't matter what you say. Just shout loudly! Be bold. Grab her attention! It's called midnight YELL. She'll get the hint.

15. Show off the guns.


Start doing pushups in the middle of Academic Plaza to show the ladies your macho side. They won't be able to resist you then!

16. Appeal to her intellect.


Use really nerdy pickup lines on girls in the chem building.

17. Be committed.


Follow a girl under the century tree and then explain how you're bound to one another for all of eternity from that moment on. The level of commitment and dedication you show will leave her speechless.

18. Be romantic.


Make a poster that reads "midnight yell?" and stand in front of Sbisa. This bold move will signify your strength and power, leaving her with no way to decline.

19. Don't take no for an answer.


Go door to door on sorority row asking for a date and try not to seem too creepy.

20. Be optimistic


Just bring a lighter and hope for the best.

21. Use false hope.


Promise a girl front deck tickets to the next game, even if you're not a senior or corps boy.

22. Put all of your cards on the table.


Go on an expensive trip to Europe and mail her a postcard that reads, "midnight yell next week?". She'll be too impressed by your travel to decline.

23. Be the country boy you were born to be.


Rev your engine loudly in Post Oak Mall's parking lot. When a girl walks by, shout from the rolled down window of your lifted truck, "hey baby, you going to midnight yell?"

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