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The 5 Most Underrated Characters In 'Harry Potter'

Harry, Ron and Hermione are great, but let’s talk about some of the other amazing characters.

The 5 Most Underrated Characters In 'Harry Potter'

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If you're anything like me, the “Harry Potter" series was a staple of your childhood reading list. These seven books were my first introduction to the fantasy genre. I was always an avid reader, so when I got my hands on this series, I was fascinated and could hardly focus on anything else. My mom and I read the books multiple times, we own all the movies, and I think it's safe to say we have a pretty extensive knowledge of the world of Hogwarts. That being said, there are several characters that I feel deserve more recognition. Characters that deserve to be talked about and hyped up as much as Harry, Ron, and Hermione.

1. Aberforth Dumbledore


Aberforth is the brother of Professor Dumbledore, and we don't hear much about him in the beginning. But leading up to the Battle of Hogwarts, he does a lot to help Harry and the rest of Dumbledore's Army, all while risking his own safety. He isn't a major character, but without his help the series may have ended on much more grim note.

2. Nymphadora Tonks


In my opinion, Tonks was one of the fiercest female characters in the HP series. She wasn't afraid to speak up and she was willing to sacrifice her life, despite having a new baby at home, to help Harry win the Battle of Hogwarts. She deserves at least as much credit as her husband, Remis Lupin, for helping Dumbledore's Army defeat Voldemort.

3. Neville Longbottom


Neville is a familiar face to any Harry Potter fan. But even though he's recognizable, he doesn't always get the credit he deserves for his role in “Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows." He has to overcome so much in such a short amount of time, and still managed to destroy the one thing keeping Harry and his pals from defeating Voldemort.

4. Dean Thomas


Dean is a character that some people recognize, but rarely acknowledge. He’s a background character in the series, but I think he still deserves more credit than he gets. Dean was one of the first to join Harry in forming Dumbledore’s army, and he was always enthusiastic about helping Harry and doing what’s right. Even after he had to go into hiding to avoid being captured by Voldemort, he was still determined to fight and help the other’s in the Battle of Hogwarts.

5. Molly Weasley


Perhaps the most underrated character of this series, in my opinion, is Molly Weasley — member of the Order of the Phoenix and mother to all of the Weasley children. Not only did she have to worry about each and everyone of her children, plus Harry, but she also had to worry about her own safety as a member of a group that wasn't a supposed to exist. Molly Weasley remained a strong mother and woman even in the face of almost losing her husband and then losing one her sons. Not to mention that she played an extremely pivotal role in the Battle of Hogwarts by killing Bellatrix Lestrange.

The "Harry Potter" series is a favorite for a lot of people, so I wouldn't be surprised if there were additional characters that other's felt deserved more page-time or screen-time than they got. The most important thing to remember is that each and every character contributed in some way, whether big or small, to the plot and story development.

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