14. 'The Chronicles of Narnia: the Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe' | The Odyssey Online
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Student Life

36 Unequivocally Happy Movies To Conquer Your Sunday Scaries

The Sunday Scaries: the routine nerves of returning to your weekly responsibilities.

36 Unequivocally Happy Movies To Conquer Your Sunday Scaries
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Even if you did not initially know what Sunday Scaries were, you likely have experienced this phenomenon of anticipatory anxiety.

Picture it: Sunday night, you are simply sitting there, minding your own business and enjoying your Sabbath day. Suddenly, the familiar existential dread of the upcoming week smacks your mood like the righteous hand of God!

While this is a dramatic retelling of a mundane occurrence, I do have some science to back me up. Statistically, a significant 76% of Americans report that they feel "really bad" anxiety on Sunday nights. Imagine that your carefree weekend built a dam of adrenaline and cortisol. On Sunday, when the clock creeps past 3 pm, the hormones crack open the dam and flood into your stress system, creating a flight-or-flight response to the upcoming "dangers" of work and school.

Don't fret! There are ways to overcome the chemicals in your veins. My cure is living in the present and unapologetically giving yourself something to relish every Sunday.

Personally, I love movies. They can be sad, stupid, sincere, spooky, stunning, or sentimental. However, for this list, I have rounded up a list of movies to ward off any anxiousness for the next 36 Sundays in your life.

Though this is not my most academic writing, this article has a humble goal: sharing films that put a grin above your chin. Enjoy!

1. 'Coco'


2. 'The Princess Bride'


3. 'Julie & Julia'


4. 'School of Rock'


5. 'Mamma Mia!'


6. '10 Things I Hate About You'


7. 'Harry Potter & The Sorcerer’s Stone'


8. 'Clueless'


9. 'Legally Blonde'


10. 'Shrek 2'


11. 'You Again'


12. 'My Neighbor Totoro'


13. 'Pride and Prejudice' 


14. 'The Chronicles of Narnia: the Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe'


15. 'Scott Pilgrim vs. the World'


16. 'Secondhand Lions'


17. 'Mean Girls'


18. 'Life of Pi'


19. 'Zootopia'


20. 'Hairspray'


21. 'The Blind Side'


22. 'Set It Up'


23. 'Forrest Gump'


24. 'High School Musical 2'


25. 'Before Sunrise'


26. 'The Edge of Seventeen'


27. 'Okja'


28. Festive Mention: 'Elf'


29. Festive Mention: 'It’s A Wonderful Life'


30. 'Crazy, Stupid Love'


31. 'The Secret Garden'


32. 'The Other Woman'


33. 'The Help'


34. 'Brooklyn'


35. 'Moonrise Kingdom'


36. 'Little Miss Sunshine'


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