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15 Halloween Costumes For Your Pup That Are Too Cute To Spook

Who says that costumes for Halloween are only for humans?

15 Halloween Costumes For Your Pup That Are Too Cute To Spook

If you're a dog owner, you know that Halloween isn't just about dressing up yourself or seeing children wear costumes, it's also about dressing your own pet up in a cute costume! There are so many cute costumes that you can dress your pet up in that will make your Halloween perfect.

Anyone that owns a pet knows that they will take any excuse to subject their pet into wearing a cute costume. Sure, your pet may not be happy with it, but it's worth seeing how cute they look and taking the perfect picture to preserve their cuteness. You may be wondering what the cutest costumes there are for dogs. Well, in no particular order, here are 15 dog costumes for Halloween that are absolutely adorable!

1. UPS pal pet costume

Chris Leipelt / Unsplash

Super cute and super fitting for any dog that likes to greet the mailman.

3. "Despicable Me" minion costume

Pumpkin / Instagram

4. Wonder Woman costume

The Hero Dogs / Instagram

Who doesn't want to have a little superhero for a pet? Plus, it looks adorable on any female dog that you have!

6. Little devil costume

istolethetv / flickr

If you have a dog like mine who is known for getting in trouble, this is the perfect costume! You finally have a costume to prove that they're a troublemaker. Plus, it will look adorable on any dog.

7. Darth Vader

DaPuglet / flickr

9. Unicorn

mark glancy / Pexels

Everyone loves unicorns, but having a little unicorn costume for your pet is too good to be true!

10. Woody costume

Jenna Marbles / YouTube

If you love Disney, this a perfect costume idea that would look cute on any type of dog!

11. Pumpkin

Cooper Doodling / Instagram

This is a classic costume for children and for dogs. Plus it can look cute on any dog whether small or large!

12. Bumblebee

Lily / Instagram

13​. Ladybug

Lily / Instagram

So, if you have a dog that you know you could easily get to wear any one of these costumes, then you should definitely try any one of these costume ideas! Having your pet dressed up and showcasing it on Facebook will definitely make your Halloween a lot better. And even if your dog is like mine who will rip anything off of them if you try to put it on, well, you can at least get them to wear it long enough to get a picture in.

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