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Student Life

10 Things We're All Guilty Of Doing During Finals Week

Pain is temporary. GPA is forever.

10 Things We're All Guilty Of Doing During Finals Week

With finals week well underway, those long nights of studying, writing essays, and projects are hitting students in different ways. Whether a student is a first-year or in a graduate program, there are things that we are all guilty of doing during finals week, whether it is procrastinating or doing something entirely different to help destress from finals week.

1. Studying new shows to binge on Netflix

You may be on your tablet or laptop researching information for your important biology report. After taking a few notes you stumble upon Netflix. You end up browsing through Netflix finding a new show to binge. Procrastination at its finest.

2. Spraying cologne or perfume instead of showering

This may be gross, but with all that studying and writing final papers, you may think less of your personal hygiene. To avoid wasting precious time studying, you opt-out of showering and put on some Axe.

3. Procrastinating

After an hour of studying you feel that a 10-minute break is well-deserved. You start scrolling on your phone and watch TikTok. Then you decide to play some games on your phone and scroll through Instagram. All of that time adds up and this is known as procrastination.

4. Attending or throwing a study party and studying nothing

Seeing all of your friends together studying may motivate you to do some actual studying. Wrong. The first 30 minutes may be all the studying you get. Instead of group studying you may start chatting and talking about the latest gossip and spilling the tea. You may even be making plans as well as snacking.

5. Drinking coffee excessively

How many cups of coffee you had? Two or three perhaps. A caffeine addiction during finals is not uncommon to most students. Or if you are not a coffee drinker, tea is the way to go. These drinks give you the energy needed to study and stay motivated during finals week.

6. Midnight snacking

All that time whether you were procrastinating or hitting the books has made you hungry. You raid the fridge and find something good to eat to stay awake.

7. Begging the professor for extra credit

There may have been a few cases where you slacked off in a course. You didn't turn in a paper or did not do so well in an exam or two. Now you must get an A on the exam to pass the class. It's hard to do that and get an A for that paper or exam, so you resort to begging the professor for extra credit.

8. Taking power naps

With so much time you took for studying you may be feeling extra sleepy during finals week. No need to worry, though, since taking 20-minute power naps will give you the rest your body and mind needs to stay healthy.

9. Questioning your major

If a final or essay prompt is hard you may begin to question why did you ever choose to study your major. Whether that be theater, accounting, journalism, and biology. Don't worry. You got this!

10. End up falling asleep at the library

If you ended up falling asleep in the library odds were that you were studying so hard to the point where you had to stop and take a power nap. A 20-minute nap break escalated into an hour or two of sleeping.

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