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8 Glossier Products Ranked From Best To Worst

A rookie's guide to the no-makeup, makeup brand.

8 Glossier Products Ranked From Best To Worst

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I am by no means a beautician, cosmetologist or guru. My makeup routine usually takes about 12 minutes and I definitely don't put too much thought into changing up my looks. I like to get fancy with some eyeshadow every now and then, and once in a blue moon, I throw on some winged liner.

When I first heard about Glossier, I was met with only rave reviews about it being perfect for everyone – including beginners and those who are on the lazier side. The products are designed to be light and friendly to all skill levels and skin types. The makeup line is meant to accentuate your natural features, not cover them up with pounds of makeup like many other companies fail to do. It's a route less taken, and I was ready for the trek.

So without further ado, here are the best Glossier products from best to worst.

1. Cloud Paint


Cloud paints can be tricky but when you get used to its brighter colors, it will be your go-to blush. The first one I bought was Haze and with my pale complexion, it was a little too foreboding for my liking. But I've figured out both a balance and system for a light application and have loved my rosy cheeks. Recently, I bought Beam and it definitely fits my skin tone better, allowing for less worry and focus during application.

What's nice is that because you only use so little of the product for each application, it lasts practically forever. When I put it on in the morning before class or work, no matter how much I sweat during the day, the paint is always there by the end of the day. I find that powder blushes wear off too quickly so even though the application can be easier, the longevity lacks. Cloud Paints all the way! Rating: 9/10

2. Boy Brow


Whenever I heard about Glossier, I almost always heard about Boy Brow. I really dragged my feet on this product for two reasons: 1. I have bangs so I didn't think I needed to spend the money on a product ultimately covered throughout the day and 2. I really thought the product had to be overhyped. Nothing could be as good as it's often cracked up to be, although this product does come very close. The application of this brow gel is nearly flawless. The tiny spools get into all the individual eyebrow hairs and add depth and definition with the swipe of a wand.

It's near magic.

I use the color Brown for my Brown eyebrows, which is something I actually don't normally do. I find that brown brow products are often too dark and usually opt for Blond. I'm super into the large-and-in-charge brows, but not for me. I have tiny facial features so making something tiny look too prominent leaves me feeling inadequate. This product does the complete opposite for me. I find that even though not many will see my bang-covered brows, I feel like a badass knowing my brows are looking killer. The only thing I don't love about it is how I generally find that by the end of the day, much of it has worn off. But if you don't have bangs, you might not have this problem. Rating: 9/10

3. Milky Jelly Cleanser 


This was my first Glossier product ever, so it definitely means something that I was sold on it so much that I wanted to purchase more products from the site. It's a nice facial cleanser that leaves your skin feeling supple and smooth after just a couple washes. I don't love the scent of it, but I also don't hate it. It's just okay. An issue I did have with it is how I broke out a little bit after using it the first couple washes. I have pretty sensitive skin though so I usually find this to be an issue with products, but not all washes have the same effect on me.

When I find one that doesn't cause any breakouts, I pretty much use it until the day I die (i.e. Biore Charcoal Cleanser and OSEA Ocean Cleanser), but I love interchanging products and trying different formulas and ingredients. Another issue I had with the Milky Jelly is how when I was nearing halfway through the bottle, I really didn't think it was working anymore. I took a couple months off from using it to see if I felt like it would help, and sure enough, after I started using it again I was experiencing the love again, along with the breakouts. Pace yourself with this product and you'll be set, but if you have sensitive skin, use with caution. Rating: 8/10

4. Haloscope


I really, really love Haloscope. It adds a nice, subtle sheen to my cheekbones compared to more intense, glittery highlighters. It's a great product for beginnings because of its packaging that requires no brushes. You simply glide the stick over your cheeks and rub it in a little with your fingers. Originally, I was a powder highlighter girl. I felt like the application was easier and long wearing. Now, I feel confused. I still love my powders, but I really love the subtle effect of this creamy stick.

An issue I had was that when I apply Haloscope, I feel like it is just removing all the makeup I had underneath (bye, bye foundation). I also still can't figure out what order is better, Cloud Paint first or Haloscope first. I find that in the process of applying one, the other gets a little messed up or slightly removed. Another issue is that I don't find Haloscope to be very long wearing. At the end of the day, it's nearly nonexistent on my cheeks, but it doesn't stop me from using it. After I first apply it, I feel like a glowy, glossy goddess. Rating: 7/10

5. Lidstar


I have to confess, I don't own a Lidstar, but I have used it once before. My friend owns a couple and really enjoys adding them to her night-out makeup routine. I was super interested in trying it, but I am not much of a glitter girl so I didn't want to commit to purchasing one myself before I saw it in person on myself. This product, however, pretty much had me sold. I applied it to my lid using the doe foot applicator and smoked it out using one of my Colourpop matte shades.

At the end of the night, the Lidstar didn't crease and it looks pretty much the same as when I first applied it. The only reasons why it's lower on this list are because I don't own it so I haven't used it enough to run into time-oriented issues and because I don't love glitter. But if you're down for a shimmery look, definitely pick up this bad boy. Rating: 7/10

6. Balm Dotcom


I think everyone and their mother pretty much has Balm Dotcom if they're purchased anything from Glossier. It's really hard to mess up a lip balm, especially one that isn't even heavily tinted. It's compact, sleek and has a thick consistency perfect for standing alone or layering with a lipstick. I did have two personal issues with the product, however. I purchased mine in the scent Rose and found it to be a little overscented. I like when scented lip balms are more on the subtle side instead of intense. When I put on my Balm Dotcom, I don't even feel like I need to put on any perfume because the situation is already covered.

For some, I feel like this would be a major perk and super scrumptious, but Rose-scented anything is already pretty strong, yet this one was somehow even more over the top. Another conundrum I had is that the product is pretty sticky. As I mentioned prior, because the formula is so thick, I find that it takes such a long time for it to settle nicely into the skin. I would like to try another scent, possibly Coconut or Birthday, but I'm not fully convinced I should purchase another based on my preferences. Rating: 6/10

7. Lash Slick


I had so much hope for this product. I waited patiently for it to be released and arrive at my front door, and when I first started using it, I felt severely underwhelmed. This product goes for a natural look but almost to a fault. This mascara is specifically geared toward lengthening, so if you prefer a fuller look, this is NOT for you. My issue is that I didn't even find it to lengthen well. It seriously took maybe 6 or 7 coats to feel like my lashes looked different than they did after I first started the application. I am a sucker for a mascara that both lengthens and creates a fuller look, so I was pretty much doomed from the start.

But, I do love how thin the brush is so it really gets down to the root and into individual lashes. What I've opted to do is use this mascara on my bottom lashes for a natural, yet enhanced look, while I opt for a favorite mascara for my top lashes to achieve the look I enjoy. Some daytime looks, I really enjoy a lengthening mascara, but this one is just too much hassle for a simple look. Will I purchase again? Maybe, only because I love how my lower lashes look, but I'm also keeping an eye open for another similar product elsewhere. Rating: 6/10

8. Priming Moisturizer 


This was by far the most disappointing product I got from Glossier ever. All of the other products, even if I found a fault, I would still purchase them again because of a quality I loved within them. This one, however, I used for a month and gave it away to a friend who I thought might enjoy it. Here were my issues. 1. It felt like glue on my skin. I found it to be cakey and thick, so when I applied foundation over it, nothing was smooth or seamless. I fought the product the entire time, before and after usage.

This brings me to my second issue. 2. It made me break out so badly. Because of its thick consistency, my pores instantly clogged and within a couple of days, my face was destroyed with unwelcomed pimples that were painful. The definition on the Glossier website made it sound like heaven in a bottle, but I was being put through a personal hell. The person who I gave it to said she loves it though, so if you don't have troublesome skin, this might be a great product for you. But if you are acne prone, save yourself the heartache and skip on this product. Rating: 4/10

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