1. "Your dream is worth fighting for, and while you're not in control of what life throw at you, you're in control of the fight." | The Odyssey Online
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23 Quotes From 'Girl, Wash Your Face' That Will Inspire You To Change Today, NOT Tomorrow

If Rachel Hollis isn't your role model already, she is about to be.

Rachel Hollis holding her book "Girl, Wash Your Face"

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Rachel Hollis is the author behind #1 New York Times bestseller "Girl, Wash Your Face," a book that will wake you up from the fog you've been living in and remind you of who you really are.

Hollis offers the tough-love every woman needs as she shares stories of her own hardships to build trust and friendship with her readers.

Unlike many other "self-care" books, Hollis will tell you what you need to hear, even if it isn't what you want to hear. "Girl, Wash Your Face" will make you laugh out loud and rethink your entire life at the same time. If you haven't read it, you need to, I promise it will become your new favorite book.

Here are 23 quotes from "Girl, Wash Your Face" that will inspire you to make changes in your life today, instead of continuously putting it off for tomorrow.

1. "Your dream is worth fighting for, and while you're not in control of what life throw at you, you're in control of the fight."

2. "Stop waiting on someone else to fix your life."

3. "Someone else's opinion of you is none of your business."

4. "If you're unhappy, that's on you."

5. "Childhood trauma is not a life sentence. Extreme emotional pain doesn't guarantee pain for the rest of your life."

6. "You were not made to be small. You are not a little girl. You are a grown woman and it's time you grew up."

7. "Regardless of how you were raised or what you were taught to believe, you get to decide where your story goes from here."

8. Have you spent a lifetime muting yourself for fear of what others think?"

9. "I am not the only woman who is making herself small to make others feel comfortable."

10. "I think the media we consume can positively impact our lives, and by creating media that uplifts and encourages women, we can literally change the world."

11. "You will get through this season. This too shall pass. Don't set the rest of your life up on a downhill slope because of one hard season."

12. "You do not have permission to quit."

13. "When you really want something, you will find a way. When you don't really want something, you will find an excuse."

14. "I refuse to live as half of myself because other people can't handle me."

15. "Never break a promise to yourself."

16. "It's not about the goal or dream you have. It's who you become on the way to that goal."

17. "People treat you with as much, or as little respect as you allow them to."

18. "Comparison is the death of joy, the only person you need to be better than is the one you were yesterday."

19. "You must chose to be happy, grateful and fulfilled. If you make that choice every single day, regardless of where you are or what's happening, you will be happy."

20. "The only thing worse than giving up is wishing that you hadn't."

21. "Stop believing the lies about who you are so you can become who you were meant to be."

22. "Be the hero of your own story."

23. "Stop crying about what happened and take control of what happens next. Get up, right now. Rise up from where you've been, scrub away the tears and pain of yesterday, and start again... Girl, wash your face!"

You deserve a life full of love and happiness, but if that's not the life your living, it is up to you to change that.

You are the writer, producer, director and star of the show that is your life. If you don't like a scene then change it.

Reading "Girl, Wash Your Face" reminded me of all of those things and more, and I hope it will remind you too.

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