Ghostbusters Did Not Ruin Your F*cking Childhood
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Ghostbusters Did Not Ruin Your F*cking Childhood

But that phrase is ruining someone else's

Ghostbusters Did Not Ruin Your F*cking Childhood
Orlando Sentinel

I’m so tired of the histrionics of the internet.

I say this as a very dramatic, dyed-in-the-wool former theater kid who quotes Billy Eichner on a daily basis. That's how extreme it's become. The internet can be a great place to do research, connect with friends and find high resolution photos of Daveed Diggs for personal reasons. But it’s also a hellscape of sexism, racism and violent aggression all cloaked in anonymity. It's one of the few places in modern society where you can basically say whatever the hell you want with no real life consequences.

And a large part of the internet’s current temper tantrum (because it's always something) is about Paul Fieg’s new film, a reboot of the "Ghostbusters" franchise, starring Melissa McCarthy, Leslie Jones, Kate McKinnon and Kristen Wiig. People of Reddit and websites like Return of Kings - an overwhelming majority of which are men from 18-30 - have announced their damnation of the movie before it even came out, demanding a boycott of the film with posts like this:

And of course, time and time again, the insistence that the mere existence of this movie “ruined [their] childhood”.

There’s many things I hate about these posts; the raging sexism, the unadulterated idiocy of people trying to filter information on the internet and above all, that stupid phrase “ruined childhood.”

That expression has always driven me up the wall, especially because it’s used most frequently by well-off American millennials in reference to a TV show or movie they watched in 2002 being remade or revived.

Do you know what actually ruins a childhood? Growing up in a North Korean gulag. Losing your dad or son to racially-based police violence. Being bullied to the point of suicide for being gay or because you had an Irish accent. Sexual assault. Physical abuse. Not being able to attend college due to it's exorbitant costs. Your sister being institutionalized twice.

A remake of a hokey 1980s sci-fi movie mildly upsetting you because the leads are women instead of men is not exactly on par with those things, is it?

You’re a grown ass man. Your childhood is already over. "Ghostbusters," both the original movie and the new reboot, is a story for children. It’s silly! It’s four nerds running around New York sucking up ghosts with elaborate vacuums! You want to guess who this movie is actually made for? Kids! Little girls like these, meeting "Ghostbusters" star Kristen Wiig at the movie’s premiere.

“Look at these childhoods that have been ruined!” - photographer Zach Heltzel

Look at those faces. They’re looking at her and seeing their hero. You want to tell those seven-year-olds that this movie geared towards them is the work of “feminazis” who are trying to “shit all over Bill Murray’s legacy”? Yeah, I didn’t think so.

I took my 14-year-old brother to see "Ghostbusters" this past weekend. We both had a great time, and not just because the movie theater near our home has these insanely comfortable chairs that are all plushy and have pop-out footrests. "I really liked Holtzman." Matty said as we left. "She was so weird and funny."

Matty's childhood was shockingly, miraculously, still intact after seeing a female-led sci-fi movie. (He's also been a little starry-eyed over Kate McKinnon, allowing him to join in the time honored tradition of finding out your celebrity crush is gay, and also eighteen years older than you. It happened to me with Zachary Quinto. He'll survive.)

So maybe chill out a little bit, meninists. Ask yourself why this fun kid’s movie is causing you such pain and anger. And for the love of all things holy, take the phrase “it ruined my childhood” and burn it in a trashcan. The rest of the world would thank you, if they weren’t so busy dealing with actual problems.

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