4. Drop your phone at least 30 times a day. | The Odyssey Online
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10 Little Ways To Get Your Heart Racing Every Day

You can easily get these cardio workouts into your busy schedule.

Water gun
Corrine Harding

Do you struggle meeting your exercise goals? Is it a pain to try fit in exercise, let alone cardio, into your daily routine? Many of us do, and if you follow these 10 little exercises, you will for sure get your heart pumping and be a new person!

1. Overpack your bags.

It can be your backpack, purse, suitcase, satchel (hey, Indiana Jones had one), or whatever you carry your items in. Fill it to the brim, and if you are really thinking about your health, bring several bags with you wherever you go. Some people may say you are "high maintenance," but you know you are doing this for your health.

2. Drag race your full shopping cart.

Everyone has to go to the grocery store, why not get some exercise in while you are looking at food? Fill up your cart with heavy items and then go as quickly as possible throughout the store. If you are brave, ask a person next to you if they want to quarter aisle race and trade for pink slips (or cookies, your choice).

3. When it comes to carrying in your groceries, go all or nothing.

After your lovely trip to the grocery store or whenever you have a lot of things you need to carry, do it all at once. If you can't carry all of your things in one trip, you are letting your health down. Not only will your heart race, but your arms will be feeling the burn after this workout.

4. Drop your phone at least 30 times a day.

You ever drop your phone and hold your breath in panic as you see it fall toward its possible doom? Dropping your phone can increase your heart rate, and then double workout perk, you have to pick up your phone to see the damage. Dropping your phone several times counts as leg day, right?

5. Speed whenever you drive.

You will get the adrenaline rush of driving fast. If you are really lucky for cardio goal, you will also see a police officer on the side of the road or, better yet, behind you with lights going. Nothing gets your heart pumping faster than that site.

6. Like someone's photo from 2012.

If you need to do some cardio while sitting or laying in bed, go creep on someone's social media. If you really need a cardio boost, go to your ex's social media page and like one of their pictures from like 2012. We all do it, so you might as well do it for your health.

7. Consume a gallon of caffeinated beverages. 

Coffee, soda, tea, the world is your oyster for caffeinated beverages. Being an active and healthy individual, you have to stay hydrated, duh! So drinking a minimum of a gallon of caffeinated drinks in a day will give you the double bonus of getting your heart rate way up but you will stay hydrated! The shaking is totally normal and helps with your cardio as well!

8. Do trust falls with strangers.

Another quick and easy way to sneak in a little bit of cardio in your life is doing some trust falls! The breeze in your hair, the way you hope someone will catch you, and the unknown can make your heart race like no other. This works if you are at the office, in the bathroom, or wherever there are people, go make new friends and get your health on!

9. Never remember if you did things.

I have a question for you, did you shut off your stove? Did you lock your door after leaving? Never remembering if you turned off your straightener or if you closed a door can make your heart stop and then race like you ran a mile. Being forgetful is good for your health.

10. Run...15 minutes late.

You don't need to run to participate in cardio, just run late all the time! The thrill of trying to make it to events when time is not your friend makes your heart race and maybe make you break a sweat. If you are really invested in your health, set your clocks ten minutes slow to really boost your cardio. You'll thank me later.

If you haven't realized it by now, these are not the best ways to get your heart racing. I do not condone doing random trust falls or speeding past police officers all in the name of health and fitness. Trust me, cardio is not as painful as some of these, and your body will thank you for burning calories in a more responsible way.

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