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Student Life
9 Reasons Why Syllabus Week Is The Best Week Of The Semester
Because every other week is a week in hell.
For eight semesters of college, we go through the same week in which we do absolutely nothing. The classes don't really matter yet and all everyone is doing is going out every second they can. According to students across the country, it's a waste of time and a reason to drink.
1. It's the only week when you can go out every day and not want to rip your hair out on Sunday realizing how much you actually have to do.
2. There's always something going on, whether it's parties, welcome back socials, or free food events for the most random things.
3. The classes never run the full time...
It's also the perfect opportunity to plan your daily naps for the semester.
4. You suddenly have a million friends again after not seeing everyone over break.
5. You have a fresh new meal plan again.
...and for the week you say "what's a diet?"
6. You're optimistic about how great you'll do this semester... at least for now.
7. You get a feel for how strict your professors are. How easy is it to text during class? Can I get away with not buying the textbook? Can I nap?
8. Everyone is in the same boat with the incredibly awkward ice breakers.
And then theres always that one person who's just a little too excited about them.
9. But regardless, you couldn't be more glad to be back.
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Student Life
20 Real-Life Struggles Every RA Experiences During Fall Semester
Being on a first name basis with campus police and administrators.
Gina Rodriguez
If you’ve ever worked in Residence Life, you know the struggle really can be real.
Here are 20 things that RAs struggle through on and off the clock.
1. When all your friends are hanging out and having fun and you’re stuck working desk.
Your friends always seem to be making fun, impromptu plans and everyone is invited. But you won’t be there because you’ll be stuck on desk duty while everyone else is out having a good time.
2. When your decorations are due by midnight and it’s 11:30 PM and you’re still painting.
This is usually the quality of your results.
3. And the night before your residents all move in you’re running around taping up door tags in your hall.
4. But you know better than anyone that by week two, some wasted stranger is going to rip them down anyway.
5. Then having to change your hallway theme again during midterm week.
6. Roommate conflicts that happen before the semester even starts.
7. When you’re finally getting ready to go to bed and you stumble upon a random incident.
You never catch a break! In Residence Life, we don’t find incidents. Incidents find us.
8. The tedious documentation that follows an already overwhelming incident.
It was bad enough that you just stayed up until 4 a.m. handling an incident with campus police. Now you must write and submit a report about it, even though you can barely remember your own name at this hour.
9. Parents calling you about an issue with their student, and you’re wondering how they got your phone number in the first place.
10. You need to come up with a fun, educational programming idea, but you know nobody is going to show up without the promise of food.
11. Running into a resident at a bar or a party.
This was supposed to be a fun night. And now I have to leave because we are now violating my contract policy.
12. You remind yourself on a daily basis that you do not have to snap every time you agree with something someone says.
13. That awkward 3 A.M. encounter when your resident knocks on your door, half naked, asking for a condom.
14. Doing your nightly rounds of the building and trying to figure out where that odor of marijuana is coming from.
15. When the resident who has been documented on three separate occasions has bloodshot eyes tells you they haven’t been smoking tonight.
16. Being on a first-name basis with campus police and administrators.
17. Handling an incident that you thought only happened on TV or in the movies.
18. When you’re halfway through the semester and you see residents who have never left their room before.
19. Fire alarms are absolutely terrifying, but it has nothing to do with the possibility of there being a fire…
…And everything to do with the chance of writing an incident report afterward.
20. Training. More training. And continued training.
Even when the semester starts, the training never ends.
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Student Life
Ten Truths Every Honors Student Knows
What it's really like to be one of the smart kids.
Photo by Poodar Chu on Unsplash
One of the main reasons I came to Salem State was I was offered a spot in the honors program. While it offered many benefits, scholarships and priority registration to name a few, what drew me in was the strong sense of community and close knit friendships many found. I am glad to say that that I did find these things, and so much more. I found a home made up of some of the most brilliant and most unique people I have ever met. Being in an honors program creates a college experience unlike any other and creates some universal truths that really only an honors student can fully understand.
1. Your thesis sounds scary and far off when you are a freshman, then gets very real your junior year.
As part of the requirements to graduate with honors, you need to complete a thesis in your major. This can be anything from a research paper, to a service project, to some sort of creative endeavor. I have seen theses that are a whole novel, and some that are literally two pages long. Entering as a freshman, I decided it was better for my mental stability to not think of that daunting project. Yet now, as a rising junior, I am realizing that I cannot escape it. So, if any of you have social work thesis ideas, send them my way. I am not kidding.
2. That you director is actually your college parent.
A unique relationship forms between an honors students and their program director. This is the person who you can talk and know that they will not judge you, for they have literally seen everything. They will advocate for you like no one else and make sure to help you in any way possible. And of course, when it’s time for you to finally graduate, even if it took six years, they will push you out of the nest and watch you fly. My director, Joanna, even refers to herself as “honors mom”. Directors are truly special in every honors student’s heart.
3. Your thesis advisor is your second college parent.
If your director is your first parent, then your advisor has to be the second. They are the professor who guides you through this academic quest. Some hand hold and help you, while others let you sink or swim, just like real parents.
4. Double, triple, or quadruple majoring is the norm, not the exception.
As a social work major with a Spanish minor, I am considered abnormal in the program for I only have one major and one minor. The number of people I know with more than one major, and more than one minor, is staggering. I honestly do not know how they do it on top of completely the honors curriculum. The best part is most graduate within four years.
5. Taking more than five classes in a semester is also the norm.
Honors students have special permission from the department to take 22 credits a semester, as opposed to the normal 18. The number is students who do this is mind blowing. It helps them complete their multiple majors and minors on time or it helps them graduate early. As you can see, us honors kids are over achievers.
6. The lounge is a 24/7 haven.
Part of the perks of being an SSU honors student is usage of the honors lounge, located in the library. It is a quiet, comfy little room with water, coffee, and snacks. Think of the Hufflepuff common room but filled with Ravenclaws. On the average day, you can see students doing homework, talking to other honors students, or taking a quick nap between classes. It is also a place where commuters and residents can actually be together, which is a rarity. For a lot of us, it is a home away from home. One student even keeps a pillow in here.
7. Registration morning means preparing for a Hunger Games style battle.
Yes we get early registration, but that does not mean it goes smoothly. Due to the fact we are the first group of students to go, we always have to deal with any bugs the system has. This semester, the registrar forgot to open registration so we all were locked out of the system for a half hour. Imagine a bunch of type A people fighting for the ideal schedule, and that is what the honors program Facebook page looks like on registration morning.
8. The free food is all of our favorite perk
Like any college student, honors students love free food and we get a lot of it. Between various events, Bagel Tuesdays, and a constant supply of free coffee in the lounge, honors students are well fed and generally very happy college students.
9. Living with your fellow honors students is the best, and worst, thing ever.
I actually have never experienced this first hand, as I lived in separate dorms from my fellow honors students. However, being in the program guarantees four year housing, as long as you live with other honors students in an assigned space. As a freshman, this is a great opportunity to get to know the people who you will be in constant contact with for the rest of your college career. It is also a breeding ground of unnecessary drama that sometimes makes me wonder if we are college students or middle schoolers. At the end of the day, we all love each other just like sibling.
10. Receiving that gold stole is the moment all of us wait for.
After passing in your thesis, you receive a beautiful gold stole and a medal to wear at graduation. It is a moment of pure pride, and pure relief. You survived four years of tough classes and completed a project that many do not even attempt until grad school. Of course, this is only a momentary feeling since you shortly realize the real world is now even closer.
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Student Life
8 Things I Realized After My First Semester In College
Actually, Kylie Jenner, 2018 is the year of realizing things.
The first semester of college is famous for being one of the most difficult transitions of one's young adult life. You're thrown into a completely new area where the majority of the people surrounding you are strangers in an academic environment that's much more challenging then what you've grown accustomed to for the past twelve years. On top of that, you probably share a room with another person (or even multiple people) on the lumpiest "mattress" you've ever slept on.
With this change comes a lot of questions: what do I want to major in? What am I passionate about? Is what I'm passionate about something I'm actually good at? Why does the bathroom smell like cranberry juice and vodka? What is that thing at the bottom of the shower drain?
After doing a lot of my own self-investigation this first semester, I have found out many things both about myself and the world around me that may be helpful for both future college freshmen and perhaps fellow first years to find out.
Waking Up Early in College is So Much Harder
This one is for the future freshmen: taking a class at eight in the morning is not going to work out well. In high school, I woke up at six-thirty in the morning every day, and although it was difficult, I managed to (usually) do it successfully. In college, however, even waking up at eight-thirty was almost impossible. Thankfully, I manipulated my schedule and kept my earliest class at ten, but some of my colleagues were not so lucky. You may not think you're going to skip a class just because it's early, but you're wrong.
You Have to Get Used to Walking Everywhere
In high school, I was lucky enough to have my own car that I could drive around virtually whenever I wanted. This meant that, according to my Health app, I was usually walking less than a mile per day. Within my first week of college, I was traveling over six miles per day on foot. After a month, fashion no longer became a factor in my outfits, and I switched out my cute, extraordinarily uncomfortable flats for a pair of supportive sneakers.
Fuzzy Socks are the Cure to All Problems
Towards the end of the semester, the pressure of looming exams and term papers started to feel overbearing. I couldn't focus on my assignments, and studying all night would leave me anxious until morning. One day, my roommate's mother sent us a wonderful winter-themed care package in which she included a pair of fuzzy socks for each of us. The moment I covered my toes with those penguin-themed socks, I instantly felt a sense of relief. For some reason, without fail, fuzzy socks are a powerful being that can make anyone feel better.
Take Every Opportunity to Get Free Food
Although escaping your mother's inedible pasta salad may seem exciting during your first few weeks of college, you quickly realize that dining hall food isn't really that much better. Whenever I saw posters or online flyers advertising an event on campus with catering, I made sure to plan ahead and put it in my calendar. Especially as a college student, you probably don't have a lot of extra money to waste on a nice meal at a restaurant (if you even have the time to go to a restaurant), so finding a club that's willing to offer a meal is the perfect way to spice up your week and avoid eating the soggy vegetable medley that your school offers.
It's Okay to Gain the "Freshman Fifteen"
The one thing that seems to terrify incoming college students around the nation is the notorious "freshman fifteen." Everyone is constantly checking what they're eating, avoiding the dessert section of the dining hall, trying to find a gym buddy because they think they've "let themselves go" after two weeks. Of course, it's important to be conscious of your health, but the body is a changing entity that is supposed to grow. It doesn't mean you failed college just because you gained a few pounds. At the end of the day, I'd rather just take a brownie.
Invest in Vitamins and Supplements
During my first semester, I watched almost the entire population of freshmen slowly descend into a month-long journey of illness. It starts as a cold, which turns into a fever, which turns into three weeks of used tissues and coughing fits. In a new environment, it's inevitable that you're probably going to feel unwell for the first few days once, but that doesn't mean the entire semester should be defined by sickness. After seeing a student wash down Advil with cough syrup, I decided to buy a multivitamin to boost my own immune system in hopes that I could avoid one of the many viruses going around campus. Although I cannot prove that taking my vitamins are what saved me, I definitely think it contributed.
Making Time to Clean is Essential
With classes all day and homework all night, it's difficult to plan out time in your day to vacuum. After a month of avoiding the task, I realized I was living in a rat's breeding ground, not a dorm room. Once I forced myself to take out the rubber gloves and wipe down the mirror, my room not only looked (and smelled) better, but I personally felt better. Something about a tidy room can truly improve one's mood, which is why I made sure to make time at least once a week to do some general dusting. Even if you're just using it as an excuse to avoid homework, it's still beneficial.
Drinking Water is Actually Important
Everyone is always preaching about how important water is, how we should be drinking some obnoxious amount like six gallons every twenty minutes, but I never listened. Obviously, I drank water regularly before, but I really did not understand its importance until my first semester of college. Whether it was from the time spent walking or the change in weather, I constantly found myself dehydrated. In every class, I was too focused on how dry my mouth was to process a lecture. When I started to consciously refill my water bottle throughout the day, I started to feel a greater sense of well-being overall.
There are a ton of tips and tricks that people tell everyone who's about the enter their first year of college: it's okay to change your major multiple times, make sure to bring a first-aid kit, don't bring every piece of clothing you own. But, there are some little things that people never bother to say, because they don't realize how important things like Windex and water really are until they're in the moment. The first semester is a struggle for all of us, but if you invest in some cute winter socks now, you'll avoid the potential stress later.
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Personal Photo
College is tough, we all know. Here are 8 gifs you will 99% relate to if you are in college.
1. Me after every class
2. If you really care about your grades
3. When you get a new homework assignment
4. When people ask what you're going to do after college
5. When you see people who don't study and get good grades
6. We're all broke here
8. When it seems like everyone in class is smart - EXCEPT THE PEOPLE IN YOUR GROUP PROJECT!!
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