6. Thinking about how you will be home in less than a week and its CHRISTMAS | The Odyssey Online
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13 Moods During Finals Season As Shown Through Saturday Night Live

Thanks SNL for sponsoring finals week moods.

13 Moods During Finals Season As Shown Through Saturday Night Live

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Finals season. The most dreaded week of any college student's semester. Cramming so many exams where you have no time to breathe, eat, or sleep, yet still, do not manage to get enough studying done. All college students LOVE it. Just kidding. Here are some finals week moods as depicted by Saturday Night Live gifs. Enjoy.

1. When you think you are making progress studying, but really have not made any progress at all


Back to square 0.

2. When your exam is just rude, like EXCUSE ME


When did we ever learn that?

3. Realizing your defeat


Yup. It's over.

4. When your professor says you should be confident.


I mean I only studied for a week, but it's probably not enough for your exam.

5. The GSIs when you walk out of your exam crying


You know you were us once too.

6. Thinking about how you will be home in less than a week and its CHRISTMAS


The only motivation besides food.

7. Me during finals week


Stay away from me during finals.

8. Wishing you could pay someone to take an exam for you


If only money could solve my problems.

9. The second you walk out of your final.


Find me celebrating my failure.

10. When your professor says the final is cumulative


Why do you have to be like that?

11. When people in the library are talking to loud, and you ask them to be quiet or you'll have a mental breakdown.


I'm really not serious about the mental breakdown. Or am I? You don't want to find out.

12. Seeing your exhausted friend from your class before the exam and giving the nod of yup, we are both screwed.


Finals week gives me the power to read minds.

13. When final exam grades are released and you realize you have to do finals season again next semester.


Don't send me back to school!

Have a great finals week everyone! You all deserve As for effort in my heart :)

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