10. "Wanting to Die" by Anne Sexton | The Odyssey Online
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Student Life

25 Poems That Will Make You Want To Switch Your Major From Business To English ASAP

It'd be a better investment, honestly.

25 Poems That Will Make You Want To Switch Your Major From Business To English ASAP
Madison Foster

Ever since I was little, I have always known that reading is my thing, but I don't think I understood poetry until I was a senior in high school. Looking back, I don't know how I survived purely on novels and short stories because poems have allowed me to analyze and interpret the world in an entirely different way. Here are 25 of the best poems that will help you make sense of the world, think deeper, and maybe even convince you to change your major.

1. "Perhaps we're not afraid of death-" by Erin Hanson


2. "Ends once looked-" by Noor Unnahar


3. "For a star to be born,-" by Zoe Skylar


4. "be so full that even if-" by Alison Malee

5. "my god-" by Rupi Kaur

The Sun And Her Flowers

6. "She,-" by Langston Hughes


7. "Funny- to be a Century-" by Emily Dickinson


8. "Still I Rise" by Maya Angelo


9. "Nocturne" by Frank O'Hara


10. "Wanting to Die" by Anne Sexton


11. "I Can't Forget You" by Len Roberts


12. "Daystar" by Rita Dove


13. "Evening Star" by Edgar Allan Poe


14. "Love is a place-" by E.E. Cummings


15. "Sci-Fi" by Tracey K. Smith


16. "Elena" by J. Olivares


17. "I will not be-" by Erin Van Vuren


18. "Things" by Lisel Mueller


19. "Do not go gentle into that good night,-" by Dylan Thomas


20. "Hope" by William Blake


21. "Sonnet 116" by William Shakespeare


22. "The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock" by T.S. Eliot


23. "Nothing Gold Can Stay" by Robert Frost


24. "Raise you words,-" by Rumi


25. "If there's empty spaces in your heart,-" by Erin Hanson


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