Who Is Elizabeth Warren? Everything You Need To Know About Her Campaign
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Everything You Need To Know About Elizabeth Warren As She Rises In The Democratic Primary

Warren is gaining ground in early states, indicating strong potential for her campaign.

Everything You Need To Know About Elizabeth Warren As She Rises In The Democratic Primary

Elizabeth Warren consistently polls in second or third place nationally in the Democratic primary for presidential nomination.

But a new poll released by Quinnipiac University shows Warren out in front of the crowded field of Democratic candidates. This comes as Warren polls first in the all-important Iowa, where the first votes will be cast in the Democratic primary. A finish in the top three in Iowa is considered a good indicator for any presidential candidate, but finishing first can lead to surges in polling and fundraising. Warren receives the second most news coverage of any Presidential candidate, trailing former vice president Joe Biden. All of this goes to say that Warren has a very high chance of capturing the nomination in 2020 and facing President Trump in the general election come next November.

Warren's strength resides in her background.

Born in Oklahoma City to a working-class family, Warren often touts her roots to connect with white, middle-class voters, long considered a key demographic for Democrats to capture the support of. She attended George Washington University and then the University of Houston, graduating with a degree in speech pathology. Warren went on to obtain a J.D. from Rutgers Law School where she served as a lecturer there and bounced around to teach at different schools, ultimately landing the most coveted job in all of legal scholarship: a professorship at Harvard Law School. Warren was a tenured professor at Harvard Law School for two decades (1993-2013).

Warren's politics are rooted firmly in the idea of protecting consumers and the "everyman."

As one of the foremost scholars on bankruptcy law, Warren was appointed as chair of the Troubled Asset Relief Program (2008-2010). She then served as a special advisor to President Obama from 2010-2012, during the recession. She was instrumental in setting up the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, an achievement that she flaunts on the campaign trail to emphasize her firm commitment to protecting the average American. She went on to run for Senate in 2012, now serving as a Senator for the state of Massachusetts.

She's got a plan for that.

Warren has polled as the candidate with the best policy proposals. She even sells a lawn sign that says, "Warren Has A Plan For That" decked out in her campaign's signature liberty green. Her two most important proposals are a wealth tax and Medicare for All. The wealth tax would place a 2 percent tax on every dollar once an individual's assets exceed $50 million, it is a plan that is referred to as the "two cents" plan. On Friday, Warren unveiled the details of how she intends to pay for medicare for all, including her wealth tax. Other important tenets of Warren's platform include canceling student debt and breaking up big tech companies.

Warren's personal style sets her apart from the rest of the field.

She may be 70 years old, but she possesses youthful energy that often prompts her to run in fits of excitement, often donning her signature purple cardigan. She is a force to be reckoned with on the campaign trail, spending hours taking selfies with supporters after campaign events. Warren also seems to evade a lot of the misogynistic sentiments that plagued Hillary Clinton's campaign in 2016. This may be due to the fact that she acts more like a lawyer on the debate stage, unafraid to punch back with cold-hard facts and not intimidated by the men in the room. Her no-holds-barred questioning style has been on display in her roles on Senate committees, particularly the Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs — this has resulted in many viral moments for Warren, positioning her as opposed to the big corporations of Wall Street and Silicon Valley.

She has managed to frame herself as a champion of the average American, particularly on issues of protecting voters' pocketbooks. It may be enough to land her the nomination.

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