Draco an Inspiring Musician
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Draco Takes On The World With His Inspiring Rap Music

Draco a caring individual reaches out to his fans.

Emily Vincent
Emily Vincent

I met Draco many years ago at a Combichrist concert. I didn't know then that he was a performer as well. Today I am interviewing him. We sat down at the bar. There was this sort of calm, and understanding after the show had ended. I took out my notes that I had been writing in all night to get ready for our interview. I met Draco at a concert I was writing about in previous years. From that point on we've been good friends, and I've done interviews for him in the past.

As we sat down there was a silence before it was broken by Draco. I surely didn't know what to say. It had been a year and a half since we've last seen each other. Even so, the distance didn't ruin what we had. "So what do you want to know?" Draco, song writer and rap artist, asked me.

The room was dark. The lights from the stage had gone off for the night, giving sign that the show had ended. The only voices were the ones from the bands that were cleaning up for the night, and ours. What did I want to know? It had been my first time seeing Draco live. I could always start there, but since I knew that this night was being written in a different article I digressed.

"How did you get into rap?" I asked then waited for a response. "I started when I was 7." He told me this story where he wrote a poem for a young boy that had just lost his grandmother. Draco began his journey with music through poetry.

He did live readings of his poetry before he hit the stage as a rap artist. He taught a poetry class for extra credits towards graduating high school. During his time teaching this class there was a boy that didn't know how to write poetry. It wasn't just that this boy didn't know how to write poetry he seemed to be having a hard time.

Poetry got Draco through some tough times, so maybe it could help this kid. Draco took his time with this boy and taught him the art of poetry, and then rap. Draco's rap journey began in high school. In high school he met a rap artist that helped him learn the ropes. He began to make his own mixes.

After high school he joined Marsten House Recording where he flourished as a rap artist. His sound has grown over the years. "It's in different spaces. I like to challenge my audience and see what they like most." He told me. He mentioned that it still has its own sound even with the new diversity.

While I spoke to him I could tell how much he cared about his fans. His journey as a musician is really about sharing what he loves with his fans. It has always been that way, with the little boy, with the kid at school, even with his girlfriends.

He took four years off from raping to focus on his relationships. He really cared about each girl he was with. He would write them poetry because he felt like that was what girls wanted at the time.

He's been doing rap since 2004. It's been over 10 years since he worked with Marsten House. He is currently working on putting out his newest album.

"How many songs can we expect to see on this album?" I asked. He told me there are 9 right now, but we can expect to see around 11 or 12. This album has been long anticipated. He told me that he's been crafting this CD for over ten years.

That night at the concert I got to hear what some of the new CD will sound like. "It's very diverse." I noted. "Can we expect to hear that from the whole CD?" He explained that the CD as a whole will be just as diverse as the songs I heard that night.

I turned the conversation over to touring. "Well, I haven't really toured." He said. I pointed out that he just traveled to Ohio to play with Kissing Kansas and Scarlet Degenerate. He reminded me that he also played in upstate New York, recently as well. "Well, isn't that considered touring?" I asked. He shook his head. "Nah, I consider touring traveling with a band and going from one place to another." He explained that what he was doing was different cause he played at one venue at a time. My final comment was that it was out of state, so it's still touring.

We moved into the other room. As we talked we began to talk about some of the people that make the work he does possible. He gave credit to his recording studio, who, in the end, wasn't just a studio, but also became close friends. Scarlet Degenerate and other friendships he wouldn't trade for the world that he made on his music journey. Recently he made a post on Facebook about the people who he held dear, and who made 2018 happen. I was overthrown with joy to be one of those names in the tags.

Draco will be releasing his new album soon in the beginning of 2019. It will be a fresh start to a new year. There is talk of touring if the funds are there come summer 2019 or 2020. There was talk about playing with more well-known bands this new year. I think it's safe to say Draco is at least off to a good start for the new year. I can't wait to see what he does next.

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