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Winter Break

10 Do-Not-Forgets Before Leaving For Winter Break

Seriously... do not forget these.

10 Do-Not-Forgets Before Leaving For Winter Break

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If you're like me, you may feel like Christmas is right around the corner. OK, Christmas may not be, but winter break is! Thanksgiving is over and next week is already finals for most everyone. Personally, I only had 10 days after Thanksgiving break before I went home again. It's such a short time that I was slightly stressing about everything that I had to get done: finals, packing, saying goodbye, the list goes on. I decided to make a list of 10 things that you should not forget to do before winter break begins! In fact, I checked these off myself as I completed them.

1. Return your books.


I don't know about you, but I'm on a broke college student's bank account. That means that any books I need for classes are going to be bought in the cheapest way possible. This usually means that I am renting them. It's great because you can order them online and they come right to you. But, by the end of the semester, I forget where I rented them from and when they're due. Take my advice and DON'T FORGET.

2. Clean out your fridge and freezer.


If you have one in your room, this is vital. This can easily slip your mind until you come back from break and your milk is still sitting in the fridge definitely not as fresh as when you left it. So clean it out, one way or another!

3. Wash your sheets.


Hopefully, this isn't the first time you are washing your sheets all semester. But this is important too. Wash your sheets, pillowcases, comforter, everything! Wash it before you leave so you'll come back to a fresh bed.

4. Do Laundry.


This one should be a given since you have to pack clothes to bring home. But don't forget to do this. Also, do it in a timely manner. You don't want to be that person doing laundry at midnight the night before you leave. And you REALLY don't want to be the person coming back to a hamper full of dirty laundry. No, thank you.

5. Pack early.


This goes along with the one above. Do your laundry and then make sure you PACK EARLY. I do not follow this closely for any traveling, but it's important. Packing last minute makes you throw so many clothes in your suitcase, way more than you'll ever wear. If you pack early, you'll have time to figure out what you want to wear and make sure you don't forget anything.

6. Do some spring cleaning (before spring starts).


Now, this is something that I need to do. For me, I know the end of the semester comes and there is always a number of items I never wore. But for some reason, I am still holding on to them. Throw them out! If you haven't worn a shirt or a pair of pants all semester, you are probably not going to wear them next semester either. Get rid of them, donate them, anything! But they do not need to be collecting dust in your drawers.

7. Thank your professors.


Whether you like your professor or not, and whether you liked the class or not, thank them. The professors you have in college are the ones who shape and affect your future far more than you thought they would. This includes the ones you "hate." These professors spent hours pouring knowledge into you on a subject they are truly passionate about. It's so important to make sure you do thank them at the end of the semester for what they've done for you.

8. Buy presents for friends and and family. 


Before going back home for the holidays, do some Christmas shopping early! I know by the time I get home, see my family, and catch up with friends, it is suddenly December 24th. Don't ask me where the time goes because I have no idea. But, if you complete your shopping or at least get started on it before coming home, then maybe you'll actually have enough presents to put under the tree before Christmas this year!

9. Get your transportation figured out.


Whether you are flying, driving, Ubering, whatever it may be, get it figured out! If you're flying make sure you have the right time you need to get there and to check-in right away. If you're driving, get gas the day before so you don't have to stop on the drive. Whatever way you are getting home for the holidays, do not wait until the last minute to get it all figured out. You do not want to end up like Steve Martin in "Planes, Trains, and Automobiles."

10. Enjoy yourself.

Rachel Adkins

Winter break is long awaited by many college students because it means home cooked meals, family, old friends, and a long break to relax from so much studying. However, you'll also be away from your "family" at school. Make sure you enjoy your last couple of weeks at the university before break! Although you can't wait to get back home, by the time break is wrapping up, you'll be excited to be back at school.

These 10 Do-Not-Forgets should put you at the top of the game as you head into winter break! Happy Holidays and safe travels to everyone over this break!

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