Whew, it’s almost the end of the semester! The week before finals is now upon us all! We all know that this week is usually one of the most stressful out of the whole semester. You begin to think about what you should’ve been doing all semester, which leads you to add up exactly how much time you spent watching Netflix.
What happened next on “Jessica Jones” seemed so much more important than all of the classwork that was piling up. Then there was all of that time on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. Every assignment you forgot about is due soon. Your brain is wishing it was able to cry about the pain you’re going to put it through. That one final exam you have is on the absolute last day it could possibly be on. The struggle bus has rolled into town and you my friend are the one driving.
1. You’re oh so close to being done! If you can just make it through this week...
2. You still have to work and pay bills while feeling the dread of finals all over campus.
3. Coffee and energy drinks have entirely replaced all sleep.

4. Your friends try to study with you.

5. Too bad they forgot to remember that you will do literally anything to procrastinate, especially when it comes to studying for these classes that you’ve grown to hate.

6. Your friends convince you to be like Nike and just do it. Then the KSU Wi-Fi starts to work all of your nerves something serious. It’s probably best if you leave the library before causing a scene that you’ll never live down.
7. You go to the last meeting in all of your classes thinking you’ll learn something useful for the final. Like will there be a study guide, perhaps?
8. The random person in front of you who hasn’t spoken to you all semester suddenly wants to be best friends because they need extra graduation tickets.
9. Then the professor says that the final has no study guide. Oh, and it’s not only cumulative, there are also some essay questions thrown in just for fun!
10. Don’t forget about that last discussion post or quiz you have to take before midnight.

11. Someone asks your other professor a question about the final. Meanwhile you’re sitting there like, wait, there is a final in this class?!

12. Your friend texts you wanting to go out, but you say no.
13. You’re too busy sitting at home looking like a crazy mathematician trying to calculate the lowest you can possibly make on the final and still pass this class.

14. The few notes you have in your notebook look like a serial killer wrote them to mail to the cops.

15. Do you really need a college degree to succeed? I mean that one cousin of yours is doing pretty well, right?
16. This leads you to contemplate dropping out. You could join the circus or become an exotic dancer. You’ve heard they do make some good money…

17. Never mind, college it is.
18. You decide to study everything only to realize that you are just like Jon Snow because you know nothing.

19. You hope you will remember to eat before your tests. Even if you have to rush.
20. It will all be worth it when you walk out of that last final.

21. Then, if you’re lucky enough, you’ll be graduating on one of the next two days!

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