11. Appreciating the great outdoors | The Odyssey Online
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37 Things Doggos Mastered Before Hoomans

Let's face it: dogs are better than us in every imaginable way.

37 Things Doggos Mastered Before Hoomans
Abbey Brandt

1. Embracing diversity

Abbey Brandt

2. Babysitting

Abbey Brandt

3. Defying gravity

Abbey Brandt

4. Taking up the entire bed

Abbey Brandt

5. Balance

Abbey Brandt

6. Yoga

Abbey Brandt

7. The element of surprise

Abbey Brandt

8. Storm preparation

Abbey Brandt

9. Transportation services

Abbey Brandt

10. Coaching

Abbey Brandt

11. Appreciating the great outdoors

Abbey Brandt

12. Natural beauty

Abbey Brandt

13. First day of school pictures

Abbey Brandt

14. College

Abbey Brandt

15. Prom

Abbey Brandt

16. Unconditional love

Abbey Brandt

17. Standing up to bullies (including geese)

Abbey Brandt

18. Giving undivided attention

Abbey Brandt

19. Making friends

Abbey Brandt

20. Napping

Abbey Brandt

21. The art of disguise

Abbey Brandt

22. Patriotism

Abbey Brandt

23. Blue Fridays

Abbey Brandt

24. Halloween

Abbey Brandt

25. Listening to directions

Abbey Brandt

26. Bravery

Abbey Brandt

27. Air, land, and sea navigation

Abbey Brandt

28. Bringing home the bacon

Abbey Brandt

29. Abiding by the law

Abbey Brandt

30. Mirror selfies

Abbey Brandt

31. Creativity

Abbey Brandt

32. Fitting into compact spaces

Abbey Brandt

33. Fiestas

Abbey Brandt

34. Making the nice list

Abbey Brandt

35. Good hygiene

Abbey Brandt

36. Team spirit

Abbey Brandt

37. Blocking out the haterz

Abbey Brandt

... And pretty much everything else.

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