10 Iconic Songs To Remember Avicii, The Late Swedish DJ Who Once Ruled The EDM Genre
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10 Iconic Songs To Remember Avicii, The Late Swedish DJ Who Once Ruled The EDM Genre

"One day you'll leave this world behind, so live a life you will remember."

10 Iconic Songs To Remember Avicii, The Late Swedish DJ Who Once Ruled The EDM Genre
Wikimedia Commons

On Friday, April 20th, Tim Bergling, better known as Avicii has passed away at 28 years old.

"It is with profound sorrow that we announce the loss of Tim Bergling, also known as Avicii," his publicist Diana Baron said in a statement. "He was found dead in Muscat, Oman this Friday afternoon local time, April 20th. The family is devastated and we ask everyone to please respect their need for privacy in this difficult time. No further statements will be given."

Avicii was one of the most successful DJs in the world of EDM. Before taking over the electric music scene, Bergling released beats on Laidback Luke Forum — a popularly used forum where DJs and producers would upload music and seek feedback from uprising peers.

The Swedish DJ shattered the charts on an international scale in 2011 with what became an iconic progressive house track "Levels," which hit No. 1 in Sweden and in the United States. With other big-name DJs taking notice, David Guetta collaborated with Avicii in the hit, "Sunshine."

"Levels" and "Sunshine" both earned Grammy nominations. That very same year, he became the first electronic artist to headline New York City's legendary performance arena, Radio City Music Hall.

The success continued to roll for the Swedish DJ with multiple top-chart bangers, including "Wake Me Up," featuring Aloe Blacc the first country/EDM mash-up back in 2013. His second album, "Stories," then dropped two years later and featured vocals from recording artists like Gavin DeGraw, Chris Martin, Robbie Williams, Matisyahu, Wyclef Jean, and Brandon Flowers.

With so much success, fame, and fortune the average person might think he was living the dream — but this lifestyle of being a world-renown DJ is not ideal for everyone, Avicii included.

The Swedish DJ had publically known health issues several years prior to his unexpected death. He suffered from acute pancreatitis primarily caused by excessive drinking. He even had to cancel shows in order to recover after having his gallbladder and appendix removed after issues with his pancreas.

When being interviewed by "The Hollywood Reporter" in 2016 he announced he would quit touring altogether for the sake of his well-being.

"To me, it was something I had to do for my health. The scene was not for me. It was not the shows and not the music. It was always the other stuff surrounding it that never came naturally to me. All the other parts of being an artist. I'm more of an introverted person in general. It was always very hard for me. I took on board too much negative energy, I think."

In 2017, Bergling was in the midst of making a comeback when collaborating with Ria Ora in his EP, entitled "Avici (01) with the hit "Lonely Together."

Just six days before his death, he released yet another banger featuring Marshmello and Shawn Mendes entitled, "Fly with Me."

In honor of his brilliant work, creativity, and passion for mixing, here's some of his well-known work:

1. "Levels"

2. "Hey Brother"

3. "Fly With Me (Wings to Fly)"

4. "Wake Me Up"

5. "Lonely Together"

6. "Friend of Mine"

7. "The Nights"

8. "I Could Be The One"

9. "Sunshine"

10. "Liar, Liar"

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