How to Get Away With DIY: Fall Trends | The Odyssey Online
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How to Get Away With DIY: Fall Trends

Here are three tutorials to keep you warm and fashionable during this fall season.

How to Get Away With DIY: Fall Trends

The temperature's cooling down and the leaves are changing colors which means, fall is finally upon us.

With fall brings a lot of great fashion and the chance to bulk up your wardrobe with brand, spanking new items. But, that pursuit can often empty your wallet if you're not careful.

But fear not! Here are some fall DIY fashion videos from some stellar YouTube fashion gurus that are sure to help you save money and stay fashionable.

1. Chokers

Chokers are a sleek way to accessorize this fall season. You can use this 90s throwback necklace to add flair to any of your favorite outfits. This video has four styles of chokers that are super easy to recreate, and no sewing is required.

2. Lace Up Tops

It seems like everyone had a lace up top last summer. But, now the trend is rolling into fall. Here's a great tutorial to utilize shirts that are already in your closet and slay the semester. And, of course, this tutorial doesn't involve sewing as well.

3. Patched Denim Jacket

Stay warm with a fabulously personalized denim jacket. Thrift stores are overfilling with denim jackets, and now is the perfect time to grab one that fits for you. Along with patches from fabric stores such as Hobby Lobby and Michaels, you'll have the perfect unique addition to your wardrobe.

I hope this list helped you get ready for the fall season! There are tons of ways to re-purpose the clothes you already have. You can turn a little bit of creativity into a style that can't be duplicated. Just remember, you don't have to empty your wallet in order to stay warm and on trend.

Happy Fall!

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