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Here's What's Coming To Disney+ In 2021

Several movies and shows that will make you look forward to a new year.

Here's What's Coming To Disney+ In 2021

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The new year is almost here, which means that we can finally say goodbye to the year 2020! With a pandemic, quarantine, and several other events during 2020, having the year finally come to an end feels like a much-needed relief for almost anyone!

If you're having doubts that this year won't be better, all of the upcoming movies coming to Disney+ will likely change your mind. Disney released news that they will be releasing tons of different new movies this coming year, especially for Marvel.

You may be wondering what exact movies are coming out this coming year on Disney+. So, here are 20 shows and movies that will be released on the platform in 2021!

1. "WandaVision"

This is one of the most anticipated shows coming to Disney+ in January for Marvel! The show looks like it will have an unusual story, but it will feature several favorite characters. The best part is that you won't have to wait long to see it since it will be out in January!

2. "Raya and The Last Dragon"

3. "What If"

This is a series that is coming to Disney+ which is based on the comic book that imagines different scenarios that could occur with the Marvel stories. It will be an animated movie and it will feature Chadwick Boseman's voice since he recorded several scenes as a voice actor before he died. It's something that almost every Marvel fan has been looking forward to seeing!

4. "Loki"

5. "Peter Pan and Wendy"

6. "Disenchanted"

Aussie Disney Girl / YouTube

Anyone who loves the Disney movie "Enchanted" is probably ecstatic to hear about the sequel! Disney released the title for the sequel as "Disenchanted", which will have all of the original actors and actresses! I don't know about you, but this was definitely one of the best news I've heard for 2020!

7. "Ms. Marvel"

8. "Eternals"

9. "Cruella"

Though this movie has been announced earlier, the movie "Cruella" will finally be released this coming year! This movie is a prequel for the movie "101 Dalmatians," and Emma Stone will be playing Cruella de Ville. It will definitely be interesting to see how Disney will show how she became a well known villain.

10. "Star Wars: Lando"

11. "Tiana"

12. "Jungle Cruise"

13. "Black Widow"

14. "Beauty and The Beast" Prequel

15. "Moana" series

I don't know about you, but "Moana" is one of my favorite Disney movies! Hearing that there will be a series for "Moana" definitely makes this coming year sound like it will be better than the previous one.

16. "Aladdin" Spinoff

17. "Pinocchio"

Tom Hanks plays Gepetto in director Robert Zemeckis' live-action retelling of the animated Disney classic, coming to Disney Plys.#IGN #Disney

18. "Star Wars: Obi Wan Kenobi"

He's back!!Disney Investor Day 2020 official Obi-Wan Kenobi title reveal. Hayden Christensen returns as Darth Vader, joining Ewan McGregor in OBI-WAN KENOBI....

19. "Hocus Pocus 2"

RachelBostwick / Pixabay

Everyone has been waiting for the release of this movie since it was first rumored to be announced! Disney finally announced that it would be releasing the "Hocus Pocus" sequel this coming year. And the best part is that all of the original actresses for the witches will be featured in the sequel!

20. "Baymax"

Big Hero 6 / Facebook

Finally, this is one of everyone's favorite characters in "Big Hero 6" who is finally getting their own show! Baymax is a robot that helps the main character in the movie "Big Hero 6" uncover what happened to his brother. It may not be a sequel to "Big Hero 6," but at least it's a show that will feature everyone's favorite character from the movie.

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