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5 Reasons Why You Should Work at Disney

Being a Cast Member Accelerates Your Career

5 Reasons Why You Should Work at Disney

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The Walt Disney Company was founded over 90 years ago, and has been one of the most illustrious names in the industries of animation, entertainment, film, food, customer service, travel, merchandising, and magic for the better part of its existence. Despite what critics may have to say about size and quality being adversely related, Disney is still a top name when it comes to intricacy and thoroughness.

Growing up, I wasn't satisfied with frequently visiting Walt Disney World. I wanted more than to experience the magic. I wanted to create it for others and give them those memories that only a Cast Member can provide. During my high school and college years, I got the opportunity and was hired to work at Blizzard Beach, and later work at the Wide World of Sports. Both positions were a blast and I fondly remember both the best days and the hardest days.

What I didn't realize at the time was the impact Disney would have on my career path, skillset, and employability. Working for Disney is equivalent to a "Guaranteed" stamp on your resume – employers recognize you as a high-caliber employee with potential. Below are the 5 best reasons why working at Disney will positively impact your career.

1. Exemplary Customer Service Training


Whether you work directly for Disney or one of their third-party affiliates, everyone goes through a day at Disney University. Top-notch teachers lead you through a day of training that involves fun exercises, history, teamwork, and tours that you won't forget. And it's paid day of work! Walt Disney was a firm believer that customer service would be the backbone of his empire, and that stands true today. You may not want to work in the customer service industry, but every industry is customer service in one way or the other. So consider the benefits of learning from a company who sets the standard in service excellence.

2. Resume Enhancer


As stated earlier, employers love to see the mouse on your resume. Regardless of the position, it shows that you earned a position with a well-respected company who holds their employees to high standards. Disney Cast Members don't just work for the paycheck; they work for passion and love of the company and its mission. Employers want to hire those who are invested in the company and want to make a difference.

3. Introduction to Diverse Professional Opportunity


If you don't know what you want to do, work for Disney! They offer a variety of jobs: sanitation, managerial, hospitality, food, mechanics, IT, call center, merchandise, entertainment, and more. It's the perfect place to try on a few shoes and figure out what fits best. I didn't know what I wanted to do until my junior year of college, and Disney helped me refine that search. They taught me that I didn't want to be a lifeguard my whole life, nor did I want to work in athletics.

4. Potential Upward Growth within the Company


Disney is a big proponent of hiring from within. Especially if you do the Disney College Program. They use that opportunity to scout young talent and offer them lucrative careers – as long as you earn it. Make no mistake, working at Disney is not easy. But if you work hard, listen attentively, and try your best, Disney will want you on their team. Working for Disney offers a wide variety of above-average benefits, so it's certainly worth considering.

5. Daily Practice in Overcoming Challenges and Personal Frustrations


The most important part of being a Cast Member is the practical knowledge. Yes, working at Disney will increase your employability, but what about actual skills? Disney is a playground for those who want to overcome challenges and master the art of de-escalation. Guests pay a solid amount of money and expect to be overly-satisfied the whole time. It will be your job to maintain their enjoyment levels, and find solutions when things go awry. Communication, multi-tasking, and patience are the golden trifecta of leadership – capable of solving any problem and turning it into a positive experience.

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