7. Bea Arthur | The Odyssey Online
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Here are 12 things you missed In 'Deadpool 2'

*Major spoilers ahead*

Here are 12 things you missed In 'Deadpool 2'

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I promise, this is mature Deadpool content.

1. The Dramatic Introduction

That is because the introduction sequence is paying homage to a variety of many highly acclaimed movies while giving it a touch of the classical Deadpool by throwing in the opening credits as names like "Did they just kill her?" and "The real villain" The Iconic scene depicted above is tribute to Flashdance replacing the water with bullets. Another similarity between this movie and another critically acclaimed movie is the introduction to Skyfall.

2. Dickie Greenleaf

That's right, you would have to peel back a few layers of prosthetic makeup and beard but under all of that movie magic is Matt Damon, or as what he likes to go by in this movie, Dickie Greenleaf, who happens to be Damons character in his 1999 film, The Talented Mr Ripley.

3. Olivia and Meredith Swift

After Wade blows himself apart due to the loss of Vanessa, Colossus takes him back to the mansion to rehabilitate Wade and continue coerce him into joining the X-Men. When Wade wakes up from recovering, he is seen wearing the shirt above. This shirt is modeled after another movie Reynolds starred in, The Hunt, while also throwing in some pop icon Easter eggs. The friendly felines featured on the shirt are non other than Taylor Swifts cats Olivia and Meredith.

4. Inmate 24601


The troubled teen, Russell, along with Deadpool, is indicted in the mutant prison. While it could just be happenstance, Russell's inmate number is 24601, the same number as Jean Valjean from Les Miserables, played by Hugh Jackman (Wolverine)

5. Vanisher

Blink and you'll miss it. Brad Pitt stars as The Vanisher in Deadpools elite X-Force squad until he is struck by a live electric wire. Once struck, The Vanisher's identity is revealed but at a grizzly, give it hilarious to the story line, cost.

6. Juggernaut is Professor X’s Brother


Well, step-brother. For those not in the drama that is the Xavier family, Charles Xavier's father died when he was young and his mother remarried. From that marriage brought Charles a stepbrother, Cain (Juggernaut). Charles' stepfather became abusive and drove his mother towards alcoholism and ultimately her death. Charles would often seep into Cain's mind to find the root of the frustration and anger which only drove the brothers to fight. In the movie Juggernaut is asked why he wears the helmet to which he responds, its for protection against his brother.

7. Bea Arthur

The first Deadpool held many Golden Girls teasers such as Wade's T-Shirt of Bea Arthur. In Deadpool 2 However, the katanas are named Bea and Arthur to pay tribute to the American Actress Beatrice Arthur who starred as Dorothy Zbornak in The Golden Girls.

8. X-Men Origin


In the newest Deadpool you may recognize this scene from X-men Origin where the bullet is coming at Deadpool and he quickly is able to slice it in half, deflecting it from hitting him. While in this newest installment things go a little differently, there still is a little humor in the similarity between these two scenes.

9. "Laird, hit it!"

Laird is Ryan Reynolds uncredited costume helper who gets a little screen recognition in this trailer. It is never confirmed who this "Laird" is because they are not someone on the official crew list, but the fact that whoever they are made it into the trailer makes it a great affect. Also in this trailer is the only, in person, Stan Lee cameo. While in the movie he appears in the form of graffiti art, the trailer is the only place Lee actually makes an appearance which is almost a little underwhelming for those waiting for him to pop up.

10. The endless joke about the MCU

There is always a comedic effect in Deadpool where he references the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Throughout Deadpool 2 there are dozens of jokes about MCU such as comparing a cancerous and powerless Deadpool to Hawkeye as well as calling Cable, Thanos as they are both played by the same character, and approaching Juggernaut with the same intent as Black Widow with the "The sun's getting real low" tactic.

11. X-Men

From the very beginning of the movie, there's a slight edge against the X-Men genre with the intro being a wind up music box of Logan stabbed through a tree. Other jabs include noting how Cerebro smells like Patrick Stewart.

12. Credit scenes

In the post credit scenes, with the now fixed time travel device, Deadpool travels back to save Vanessa. But he also decides to save the world from some of Reynolds previous roles. He goes back to X-Men Origin and kills his rendition of Deadpool as well as killing Ryan Reynolds when he was reading the script for Green Lantern.

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