5. I just got smacked in the face with corn | The Odyssey Online
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11 Reasons To Get Yourself To A Corn Maze, It's Fall, Y'all

Not to sound corny, but fall is the superior season.

Zoe Johnson
Zoe Johnson

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When my Odyssey community wanted to go to our local corn maze/pumpkin farm, I was so pumped. Who doesn't wanna walk around a corn maze, bond with other creators, and take cute, basic pictures in front of pumpkins? These were just some of the things going through all of our heads as we navigated the 12-acre corn maze!

​1. I paid $8 for this??

I have no sense of direction, so essentially I paid $8 to get lost.

​2. I'm sweating, and I think it's rolling down my back

The day we went was not exactly summer weather but it wasn't full blown fall so it got a little toasty in that maze.

3. I think we've been over this bridge 14 times

There were a few bridges and look out points and I think we legit walked over one 10 times #oops

​4. My feet hurt

The soil in the corn maze was a little soft which made it hard to walk through.

5. I just got smacked in the face with corn

There was some unruly corn and I def got hit in the head a couple times.

​6. I wish I didn't wear new shoes

We were all dressed fairly cute so we could take pics afterwards but some of us were not wearing functional shoes for hiking through a corn maze.

​7. I wonder how scary this would be at night

I would never want to be in that maze at night because it would be so spooky. What if there were animals or someone hiding in the corn?

​​8. I think a bug just bit me

Someone in my group started talking about how there were probably corn spiders in the maze and just the thought of that made me want to d i e.

9. Corn mazes are an amazing bonding experience

We had a group of 12 people and I feel like we all got to know each other a lot better in the hour it took us to figure out how to get out of the maze.

10. How tall are these corn stalks?

Zoe Johnson

Living in Illinois, I've drove past a lot of corn in my life, but I always forget how tall it really is!

11. I love fall

Zoe Johnson

The crunchy leaves, the cute pumpkins, the warm apple cider, the fun corn mazes, the crisp autumn air what's not to love????

Everyone should get themselves to a corn maze or pumpkin patch this fall, buy some apple cider, and enjoy the best time of year. See if any of these thoughts crossed your mind next time you find yourself navigating through some very tall corn.

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